删除 固定目录proto
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
@ -137,6 +137,26 @@
@ -208,6 +228,49 @@
<!-- The server "id" element from settings to use authentication from settings.xml-->
<!-- Which repository to deploy to -->
<!-- Skip the staging deploy mojo -->
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ import com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype.ApmBaseDataFlowOuterClass.ApmBaseData
import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder;
import io.grpc.netty.shaded.io.netty.handler.codec.compression.CompressionOptions;
import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
@ -24,8 +24,6 @@ import lombok.Setter;
public final class Doc extends Document {
public int Code ;
@ -1,13 +1,25 @@
package com.yuandian.dataflow.proto;
import static io.grpc.MethodDescriptor.generateFullMethodName;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.asyncUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.futureUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncBidiStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncClientStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncServerStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnaryCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedStreamingCall;
import static io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall;
value = "by gRPC proto compiler (version 1.46.0)",
value = "by gRPC proto compiler (version 1.32.3)",
comments = "Source: Base.proto")
public final class CollectPacketsServerGrpc {
private CollectPacketsServerGrpc() {}
@ -98,14 +110,14 @@ public final class CollectPacketsServerGrpc {
public void getPackets(com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.Base.Request request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.Base.Response> responseObserver) {
io.grpc.stub.ServerCalls.asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getGetPacketsMethod(), responseObserver);
asyncUnimplementedUnaryCall(getGetPacketsMethod(), responseObserver);
@java.lang.Override public final io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition bindService() {
return io.grpc.ServerServiceDefinition.builder(getServiceDescriptor())
new MethodHandlers<
@ -132,7 +144,7 @@ public final class CollectPacketsServerGrpc {
public void getPackets(com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.Base.Request request,
io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver<com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.Base.Response> responseObserver) {
getChannel().newCall(getGetPacketsMethod(), getCallOptions()), request, responseObserver);
@ -155,7 +167,7 @@ public final class CollectPacketsServerGrpc {
public java.util.Iterator<com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.Base.Response> getPackets(
com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.Base.Request request) {
return io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingServerStreamingCall(
return blockingServerStreamingCall(
getChannel(), getGetPacketsMethod(), getCallOptions(), request);
@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message ApmBaseDataFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
int32 probe_if = 2;
* 请求端口
int32 request_port = 3;
* 响应端口
int32 response_port = 4;
* 请求IP
int32 request_ip = 5;
* 响应ip
int32 response_ip = 6;
* 源mac
int64 src_mac = 7;
* 目的mac
int64 dst_mac = 8;
* 链路编号
int32 vlan_id = 9;
int32 tv_sec = 10;
int32 tv_usec = 11;
* 开始时间
int32 start_tm = 12;
* 总字节数
int32 total_bytes = 13;
* 总包数
int32 total_packets = 14;
* 总丢包数
int32 total_drop_packets = 15;
* 重传延时
int32 retran_time_delay = 16;
* 客户端rtt
int32 client_rtt = 17;
* 服务端Rtt
int32 server_rtt = 18;
* 用户响应时间
int32 user_response_time = 19;
* 服务响应时间
int32 server_response_time = 20;
* tcp回话连接失败数
int32 con_fail = 21;
* 会话重置数
// long reset = 22;
* 服务端总字节数
int32 bytes_in = 23;
* 客户端总字节数
int32 bytes_out = 24;
* 探针推送时间
int32 time_flag = 25;
* 结束时间
int32 end_tm = 26;
* 结束时间微秒
int32 end_tm_usec = 27;
* 总响应数
int32 respon_num = 28;
* 客户端零窗口数
int32 cs_window = 29;
* 服务端零窗口数
int32 sc_window = 30;
* 客户端重置数
int32 cs_reset = 31;
* 服务端重置数
int32 sc_reset = 32;
* 客户端重传数
int32 cs_retran = 33;
* 服务端重传数
int32 sc_retran = 34;
* 会话建立时间
int32 conn_setup_tm = 35;
* 新建会话数
int32 new_session = 36;
int32 cs_alert = 37;
int32 sc_alert = 38;
string protocal = 39;
@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message AppFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
int32 src_ip = 2;
int32 src_port = 3;
int32 dst_ip = 4;
int32 dst_port = 5;
int32 start_tv_sec = 6;
int32 start_tv_usec = 7;
int32 last_tv_sec = 8;
int32 last_tv_usec = 9;
int32 end_tv_sec = 10;
int32 end_tv_usec = 11;
int32 input_packets = 12;
int32 output_packets = 13;
int32 input_bytes = 14;
int32 output_bytes = 15;
string protocaol = 16;
int32 app_id = 17;
int32 app_group_id = 18;
int32 probe_if = 19;
int32 app_style = 20;
int32 time_flag = 21;
int32 vlan_id = 22;
int32 mpls_lable = 23;
int32 tos = 24;
@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BacktrackingFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
int64 mac_src = 2; //源MAC 8
int64 mac_dst = 3; //目的MAC 8
int64 ip_src = 4; //源IP 8
int64 ip_dst = 5; //目的IP 8
int32 port_src = 6; //源端口,如果没有,为-1
int32 port_dst = 7; //目标端口,如果没有,为-1
int32 l3_proto = 8; //第三层协议ID,如果没有,为-1
int32 l4_proto = 9; //第四层协议ID,如果没有,为-1
int32 tos = 10; //Tos,如果没有,为-1
int32 vlan_id = 11; //vlan ID,如果没有,为-1
int64 bytes = 12; // 8 字节总数
int64 packets = 13; // 8 数据包总数
int64 tcp_sp = 14; // 8 tcp同步包数
int64 tcp_scpn = 15;// 8 tcp同步确认包数
int64 tcp_srp = 16; // 8 tcp同步重置包数
int32 app_id = 17; // 4 appID
int32 app_group_id = 18;// 4 app组ID
int32 mpls_label = 19;// 4
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
option java_multiple_files = false; //不要拆分成多个文件
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message Response {
int32 code = 1;
string message = 2;
repeated google.protobuf.Any packets = 4;
message Request {
int32 type = 1; // 请求类型. 默认 为 1. 暂无意义
string version = 2; // 请求版本. 区分版本. 非必要时不使用
repeated google.protobuf.Any param = 3;
service CollectPacketsServer {
rpc GetPackets (Request) returns (stream Response);
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BasicTrafficFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
int32 cap_port = 2;
int32 request_port = 3;
int32 response_port = 4;
int32 request_ip = 5;
int32 response_ip = 6;
int32 start_time = 7;
int32 total_bytes = 8;
int32 total_packets = 9;
int32 spackets64 = 10;
int32 spackets128 = 11;
int32 spackets256 = 12;
int32 spackets512 = 13;
int32 spackets1024 = 14;
int32 spackets = 15;
int32 send_time = 16;
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BusinessBodyData {
int32 table_id = 1;
string relvance_data_id = 2;
int64 request_ip = 3;
int32 request_port = 4;
int64 response_ip = 5;
int32 response_port = 6;
int64 start_tv_sec = 7;//开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 8;//开始时间毫秒
int64 end_tv_sec = 9;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 10;//结束时间微妙
string resource_code = 11;
string no_parameter_recognition = 12;
string original_recognition = 13;
string request_cookie = 14;
string request_body_context = 15;
string response_body_context = 16;
int32 filter_id = 17;
string business_detail_mesg = 18;
@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BussFlowDb {
int32 table_id = 1;
// redis资源归并,处理服务资源发现是需要设置识别串(正则表达式)
string redisRegex = 2;
string id = 3; //id
int64 msg_len = 4; //消息长度
int32 msg_type = 5; //消息类型
int64 src_mac = 6;
int64 dst_mac = 7;
int32 protocol = 8; //协议名
string session_serial_number = 9;//会话序列号
string buss_type = 10;//业务服务资源编码(C_01)
int64 request_ip = 11;//Web客户端IP
int32 request_port = 12;//Web客户端端口
int64 response_ip = 13;//Web服务器IP
int32 response_port = 14;//Web服务器端口
int64 start_tv_sec = 15;//Web开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 16;//开始时间毫秒
int64 end_tv_sec = 17;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 18;//结束时间微妙
string disc_resource_ident = 19; //web:url mid:apiBody db:sql
string name = 20; //web:操作系统 midd:interfaceName db:db_name
//web midd
string session_id = 21;//sessionid
int32 request_msg_length = 22; //请求报文长度
string request_msg_detail = 23; //请求报文详情
int32 response_msg_length = 24; //响应报文长度
string response_msg_detail = 25; //响应报文详情
string reter_url = 26;
string x_requested_with = 27;
int64 req_method = 28; //请求方式
string content_type = 29; //请求类型
string accept = 30; //jieshou
int32 req_cookie_leng = 31;//请求cookie报文长度
string req_cookie_detail = 32;//请求cookie报文详情
int64 t_intodb_time = 33;
int32 load_or_step = 34; //0: 页面 1:加载项 2:非web段数据
string business_detail_mesg = 35;
string bussiness_key_mesg = 36; //关键字 格式:key=val|key=val....
int32 isUncomplete = 37; //组包是否完全 0:组包完整 1:不完整
int32 deal_state = 38; // 默认值为1
int32 server_res_code = 39;
int64 server_response_time = 40;
int64 client_translate_time = 41;
string browser = 42;
int64 server_start_tv_sec = 43;
int64 server_start_tv_usec = 44;
int64 server_end_tv_sec = 45;
int64 server_end_tv_usec = 46;
string probe_ip = 47;
int64 probe_if = 48;
int64 server_translate_time = 49;
int64 time_flag = 50;
string base_code = 51;
string ori_sql = 52;
string reserved = 53;
int64 bytes_in = 54;
int64 bytes_out = 55;
int32 package_in = 56;
int32 package_out = 57;
string data_id = 58;
int32 filter_id = 59;
@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BussFlowExternal {
int32 table_id = 1;
string id = 2;
int64 probe_if = 3;//接口号
string channel = 4;//营业厅渠道:前台或者分析服务器给出,渠道标识
string system_name = 5; //外部系统名称
string interface_id = 6;// 业务接口编码
string session_id = 7;//sessionid
string phone_id = 8;//受理手机号码
string net_type = 9;
string net_segment = 10;//网段标识(客户-web)
int64 request_ip = 11;//Web客户端IP
int64 request_port = 12;//Web客户端端口
int64 response_ip = 13;//Web服务器IP
int64 response_port = 14;//Web服务器端口
int64 start_tv_sec = 15;//Web开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 16;//开始时间微秒
int64 end_tv_sec = 17;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 18;//结束时间微妙
int32 deal_state = 19;//Web操作成功/失败标识1成功0失败
int64 server_translate_time = 20;//Web服务器传输耗时
int64 server_response_time = 21;//Web服务器响应时间
string begin_url = 22;//url
string operating_sytem = 23;//操作系统
int32 server_res_code = 24; //Web系统返回码
string browser = 25;//浏览器
string business_detail_mesg = 26;//要获取的指标
int64 insert_time = 27;//插入时间? 没有被使用
string business_involve_msg = 28; //要关联的指标
int32 is_uncomplete = 29;
int64 time_flag = 30;
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BussFlowMidd {
int32 table_id = 1;
string id = 2; //id
int64 src_mac = 3;
int64 dst_mac = 4;
int32 msg_len = 5; //消息长度
int32 msg_type = 6; //消息类型
int32 protocol = 7; //协议名
string session_serial_number = 8;//会话序列号
string buss_type = 9;//业务服务资源编码(C_01)
string net_segment = 10;//网段标识(客户-web)
int64 request_ip = 11;//Web客户端IP
int32 request_port = 12;//Web客户端端口
int64 response_ip = 13;//Web服务器IP
int32 response_port = 14;//Web服务器端口
int64 start_tv_sec = 15;//Web开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 16;//开始时间毫秒
int64 end_tv_sec = 17;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 18;//结束时间微妙
string disc_resource_ident = 19; //web:url mid:apiBody db:sql
string name = 20; //web:操作系统 midd:interfaceName db:db_name
//web midd
string session_id = 21;//sessionid
int32 request_msg_length = 22; //请求报文长度
string request_msg_detail = 23; //请求报文详情
int32 response_msg_length = 24; //响应报文长度
string response_msg_detail = 25; //响应报文详情
string reter_url = 26;
string x_requested_with = 27;
int64 req_method = 28; //请求方式
string content_type = 29; //请求类型
string accept = 30; //jieshou
int32 req_cookie_leng = 31;//请求cookie报文长度
string req_cookie_detail = 32;//请求cookie报文详情
int64 t_intodb_time = 33;
int32 load_or_step = 34; //0: 页面 1:加载项 2:非web段数据
string business_detail_mesg = 35;
string bussiness_key_mesg = 36; //关键字 格式:key=val|key=val....
int32 is_uncomplete = 37; //组包是否完全 0:组包完整 1:不完整
int32 deal_state = 38; // 默认值1
int32 server_res_code = 39;
int64 server_response_time = 40;
int64 client_translate_time = 41;
string browser = 42;
int32 server_start_tv_sec = 43;
int64 server_start_tv_usec = 44;
int32 server_end_tv_sec = 45;
int64 server_end_tv_usec = 46;
string probe_ip = 47;
int32 probe_if = 48;
int64 server_translate_time = 49;
int64 time_flag = 50;
string channel = 51;
string base_code = 52;
string ori_api = 53;
string remain_data = 54;
int64 bytes_in = 55;
int64 bytes_out = 56;
int32 package_in = 57;
int32 package_out = 58;
string data_id = 59;
int32 filter_id = 60;
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BussFlowOrl {
int32 table_id = 1;
int32 msg_type = 2;
int32 msg_version = 3;
int32 msg_seq = 4;
int32 msg_len = 5;
int64 request_mac = 6;
int64 response_mac = 7;
int64 request_ip = 8;
int32 request_port = 9;
int64 response_ip = 10;
int32 response_port = 11;
int32 probe_if = 12;
int32 protocol = 13;
int64 start_tv_sec = 14;//Web开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 15;//开始时间毫秒
int64 end_tv_sec = 16;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 17;//结束时间微妙
int32 req_len = 18;
int32 res_len = 19;
int32 busi_msg_len = 20;
int32 key_msg_len = 21;
int32 detail_msg_len = 22;
int32 remain_len = 23;
string business_code = 24;
string session_id = 25;
string req_data = 26;
string res_data = 27;
string busi_msg = 28;
string busi_key_msg = 29;
string busi_detail_msg = 30;
string remain_data = 31;
@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message BussFlowWeb {
int32 table_id = 1;
string id = 2; //id
int32 msg_len = 3; //消息长度
int32 msg_type = 4; //消息类型
int64 src_mac = 5;
int64 dst_mac = 6;
int32 protocol = 7; //协议名
string session_serial_number = 8;//会话序列号
string buss_type = 9;//业务服务资源编码(C_01)
// string net_segment = 10;//网段标识(客户-web)
int64 request_ip = 11;//Web客户端IP
int32 request_port = 12;//Web客户端端口
int64 response_ip = 13;//Web服务器IP
int32 response_port = 14;//Web服务器端口
int64 start_tv_sec = 15;//Web开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 16;//开始时间毫秒
int64 end_tv_sec = 17;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 18;//结束时间微妙
string disc_resource_ident = 19; //web:url mid:apiBody db:sql
string operating_system = 20; //web:操作系统 midd:interfaceName db:db_name
//web midd
string session_id = 21;//sessionid
int32 request_msg_length = 22; //请求报文长度
string request_msg_detail = 23; //请求报文详情
int32 response_msg_length = 24; //响应报文长度
string response_msg_detail = 25; //响应报文详情
string reter_url = 26;
string x_requested_with = 27;
int64 req_method = 28; //请求方式
string content_type = 29; //请求类型
string accept = 30; //jieshou
int32 req_cookie_leng = 31;//请求cookie报文长度
string req_cookie_detail = 32;//请求cookie报文详情
int64 t_intodb_time = 33;
int32 load_or_step = 34; //0: 页面 1:加载项 2:非web段数据
string business_detail_mesg = 35;
string bussiness_key_mesg = 36; //关键字 格式:key=val|key=val....
int32 is_uncomplete = 37; //组包是否完全 0:组包完整 1:不完整
int32 deal_state = 38; // 默认为1
int32 server_res_code = 39;
int64 server_response_time = 40;
int64 client_translate_time = 41;
string browser = 42;
int32 server_start_tv_sec = 43;
int64 server_start_tv_usec = 44;
int32 server_end_tv_sec = 45;
int64 server_end_tv_usec = 46;
string probe_ip = 47;
int32 probe_if = 48;
int64 server_translate_time = 49;
int64 time_flag = 50;
string channel = 51;
string base_code = 52;
string ori_url = 53;
string remain_data = 54;
int64 bytes_in = 55;
int64 bytes_out = 56;
int32 package_in = 57;
int32 package_out = 58;
string data_id = 59;
int32 filter_id = 60;
string white_character = 61;
// tokenId
string token_id = 62;
// 判断是否是首端资源( 2 )
int32 segment_id = 63;
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message DataFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
string id = 2;
int32 msg_type = 3; //消息类型
int32 msg_version = 4; //消息版本
int32 msg_seq = 5; //序列号
int32 msg_len = 6; //消息长度
int32 probe_if = 7; //接口号
int64 timestamp = 8; //时间戳
int64 mac_src = 9; //源物理地址
int64 mac_dst = 10; //目的物理地址
int32 vlan_id = 11; //vlan_id
int64 l3_proto = 12; //l3层协议
int64 l4_proto = 13; //l4层协议
int32 tos = 14; //tos
int32 retran_count = 15; //重传次数
int32 reset_count = 16; //重置次数
int32 zerowin_count = 17; //零窗口次数
int32 protocol = 18; //协议名
int64 seq = 19;
int64 ack = 20;
int32 recog_status = 21; //识别类型标识
int64 bytes = 22; //总字节
int64 packets = 23; //总包数
int32 start_tv_sec = 24;//Web开始时间秒
int64 start_tv_usec = 25;//开始时间毫秒
int32 end_tv_sec = 26;//结束时间秒
int64 end_tv_usec = 27;//结束时间微妙
int32 server_start_tv_sec = 28;//服务器响应开始时间秒
int64 server_start_tv_usec = 29;//服务器响应开始时间毫秒
int32 server_end_tv_sec = 30;//服务器响应结束时间秒
int64 server_end_tv_usec = 31;//服务器响应结束时间微妙
int64 server_response_time = 32;//Web服务器响应时间
int64 client_translate_time = 33;//Web客户端传输耗时
int64 server_translate_time = 34;//Web服务器传输耗时
int64 bytes_in = 35;
int64 bytes_out = 36;
int64 packets_in = 37;
int64 packets_out = 38;
int64 ip_src = 39; //源IP
int64 ip_dst = 40; //目的IP
int64 port_src = 41; //源端口
int64 port_dst = 42; //目的端口
int64 probeIP = 43; //探针IP
int64 intodb_time = 44;
int64 count = 45; // 默认为1
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message QoeFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
// 字段类型 字段 原始类型 字节数 说明
int32 src_ip = 2; //uint32_t 4 源ip地址
int32 dst_ip = 3; //uint32_t 4 目的ip地址
int32 stv_sec = 4; //uint32_t 4 开始时间秒
int32 stv_usec = 5; //uint32_t 4 开始时间微秒
int32 ltv_sec = 6; //uint32_t 4 最后更新时间秒
int32 ltv_usec = 7; //uint32_t 4 最后更新时间微秒
int32 dst2_respon_num = 8; //uint32_t 4 响应总量
int32 dst2_fast = 9; //uint32_t 4
int32 dst2_fast_expected = 10; //uint32_t 4
int32 dst2_expected_degrated = 11; //uint32_t 4
int32 dst2_degrated_service = 12; //uint32_t 4
int32 dst2_service_availability = 13; //uint32_t 4
int32 dst2_respon_timeout = 14; //uint32_t 4 响应超时数
int32 dst2_respon_success = 15; //uint32_t 4 响应成功数
int32 dst2_respon_fail = 16; //uint32_t 4 响应失败数
int32 dst2_respon_peek = 17; //uint32_t 4 峰值响应时间
int32 dst2_respon_average = 18; //uint32_t 4 响应时间均值
int32 cs_window = 19; //uint32_t 4
int32 sc_window = 20; //uint32_t 4
int32 cs_reset = 21; //uint32_t 4
int32 sc_reset = 22; //uint32_t 4
int32 cs_retran = 23; //uint32_t 4
int32 sc_retran = 24; //uint32_t 4
int32 app_id = 25; //uint32_t 4 Aphid
int32 app_group_id = 26; //uint32_t 4 app组id
int32 probe_if = 27; //uint32_t 4 探针接口id
int32 app_style = 28; //uint32_t 4
int32 time_flag = 29; //uint32_t 4 发送时间戳
int32 conn_setup_tm = 30; //uint32_t 4 链接建立时间
int32 data_transfer_tm = 31; //uint32_t 4 数据传输时间
int32 retrans_delay_tm = 32; //uint32_t 4 数据重传时延
int32 network_inbound = 33; //uint32_t 4 网络响应时间(c->s)
int32 network_outbound = 34; //uint32_t 4 网络响应时间(s->c)
int32 new_session = 35; //uint32_t 4 新会话数
int32 user_events = 36; //uint32_t 4 用户事件
int32 server_events = 37; //uint32_t 4 服务事件
int32 conn_setup_peek = 38; //uint32_t 4 连接建立时间峰值
int32 vlan_id = 39; //uint32_t 4
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = false;
option java_package = "com.yuandian.dataflow.proto.msgtype";
option go_package = "../grpc-gen;grpcgen";
package dataflow;
message SstFlow {
int32 table_id = 1;
int64 mac_src = 2; //源MAC
int64 mac_dst = 3; //目标MAC
int64 ip_src = 4; //源IP
int64 ip_dst = 5; //目标IP
int32 port_src = 6; //源端口,如果没有,为-1
int32 port_dst = 7; //目标端口,如果没有,为-1
int32 l3_proto = 8; //第三层协议ID,如果没有,为-1
int32 l4_proto = 9; //第四层协议ID,如果没有,为-1
int32 tos = 10; //Tos,一个字节,如果没有,为-1
int32 vlan_id = 11; //vlan ID,如果没有,为-1
int64 bytes = 12; //字节总数
int64 packets = 13; //数据包总数
int64 packets_syn = 14; //TCP同步包数
int64 packets_syn_ack = 15; //TCP同步确认包数
int64 packets_syn_rst = 16; //TCP同步重置包数
int64 timestamp = 17; //时间戳,秒
int64 appid = 18;//应用ID
int64 app_group_id = 19;
int32 mpls_label = 20;
int64 pkts_syn_rx = 21; //tcp同步包,接收
int64 pkts_syn_ack_rx = 22;//tcp同步确认包,接收
int64 pkts_syn_rst_rx = 23; //tcp同步重置包,接收
int64 pkts_fin = 24;//tcp终止包,接收
int64 pkts_rst = 25;//tcp重置包,接收
int64 bytes_rx = 26;//字节收
int64 packets_rx = 27;//数据包收
int64 probe_time_sec = 28;
int64 probe_time = 29;
int64 create_time = 30;
int32 probe_if = 31;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user