459 lines
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Protocol Buffer
459 lines
17 KiB
Protocol Buffer
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1;
import "google/api/auth.proto";
import "google/api/documentation.proto";
import "google/api/endpoint.proto";
import "google/api/monitored_resource.proto";
import "google/api/monitoring.proto";
import "google/api/quota.proto";
import "google/api/usage.proto";
import "google/protobuf/api.proto";
option csharp_namespace = "Google.Api.ServiceUsage.V1Beta1";
option go_package = "google.golang.org/genproto/googleapis/api/serviceusage/v1beta1;serviceusage";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "ResourcesProto";
option java_package = "com.google.api.serviceusage.v1beta1";
option php_namespace = "Google\\Api\\ServiceUsage\\V1beta1";
option ruby_package = "Google::Api::ServiceUsage::V1beta1";
// A service that is available for use by the consumer.
message Service {
// The resource name of the consumer and service.
// A valid name would be:
// - `projects/123/services/serviceusage.googleapis.com`
string name = 1;
// The resource name of the consumer.
// A valid name would be:
// - `projects/123`
string parent = 5;
// The service configuration of the available service.
// Some fields may be filtered out of the configuration in responses to
// the `ListServices` method. These fields are present only in responses to
// the `GetService` method.
ServiceConfig config = 2;
// Whether or not the service has been enabled for use by the consumer.
State state = 4;
// Whether or not a service has been enabled for use by a consumer.
enum State {
// The default value, which indicates that the enabled state of the service
// is unspecified or not meaningful. Currently, all consumers other than
// projects (such as folders and organizations) are always in this state.
// The service cannot be used by this consumer. It has either been explicitly
// disabled, or has never been enabled.
// The service has been explicitly enabled for use by this consumer.
// The configuration of the service.
message ServiceConfig {
// The DNS address at which this service is available.
// An example DNS address would be:
// `calendar.googleapis.com`.
string name = 1;
// The product title for this service.
string title = 2;
// A list of API interfaces exported by this service. Contains only the names,
// versions, and method names of the interfaces.
repeated google.protobuf.Api apis = 3;
// Additional API documentation. Contains only the summary and the
// documentation URL.
google.api.Documentation documentation = 6;
// Quota configuration.
google.api.Quota quota = 10;
// Auth configuration. Contains only the OAuth rules.
google.api.Authentication authentication = 11;
// Configuration controlling usage of this service.
google.api.Usage usage = 15;
// Configuration for network endpoints. Contains only the names and aliases
// of the endpoints.
repeated google.api.Endpoint endpoints = 18;
// Defines the monitored resources used by this service. This is required
// by the [Service.monitoring][google.api.Service.monitoring] and
// [Service.logging][google.api.Service.logging] configurations.
repeated google.api.MonitoredResourceDescriptor monitored_resources = 25;
// Monitoring configuration.
// This should not include the 'producer_destinations' field.
google.api.Monitoring monitoring = 28;
// The operation metadata returned for the batchend services operation.
message OperationMetadata {
// The full name of the resources that this operation is directly
// associated with.
repeated string resource_names = 2;
// Consumer quota settings for a quota metric.
message ConsumerQuotaMetric {
// The resource name of the quota settings on this metric for this consumer.
// An example name would be:
// `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus`
// The resource name is intended to be opaque and should not be parsed for
// its component strings, since its representation could change in the future.
string name = 1;
// The name of the metric.
// An example name would be:
// `compute.googleapis.com/cpus`
string metric = 4;
// The display name of the metric.
// An example name would be:
// `CPUs`
string display_name = 2;
// The consumer quota for each quota limit defined on the metric.
repeated ConsumerQuotaLimit consumer_quota_limits = 3;
// The quota limits targeting the descendant containers of the
// consumer in request.
// If the consumer in request is of type `organizations`
// or `folders`, the field will list per-project limits in the metric; if the
// consumer in request is of type `project`, the field will be empty.
// The `quota_buckets` field of each descendant consumer quota limit will not
// be populated.
repeated ConsumerQuotaLimit descendant_consumer_quota_limits = 6;
// The units in which the metric value is reported.
string unit = 5;
// Consumer quota settings for a quota limit.
message ConsumerQuotaLimit {
// The resource name of the quota limit.
// An example name would be:
// `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion`
// The resource name is intended to be opaque and should not be parsed for
// its component strings, since its representation could change in the future.
string name = 1;
// The name of the parent metric of this limit.
// An example name would be:
// `compute.googleapis.com/cpus`
string metric = 8;
// The limit unit.
// An example unit would be
// `1/{project}/{region}`
// Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example;
// the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string.
string unit = 2;
// Whether this limit is precise or imprecise.
bool is_precise = 3;
// Whether admin overrides are allowed on this limit
bool allows_admin_overrides = 7;
// Summary of the enforced quota buckets, organized by quota dimension,
// ordered from least specific to most specific (for example, the global
// default bucket, with no quota dimensions, will always appear first).
repeated QuotaBucket quota_buckets = 9;
// List of all supported locations.
// This field is present only if the limit has a {region} or {zone} dimension.
repeated string supported_locations = 11;
// Selected view of quota. Can be used to request more detailed quota
// information when retrieving quota metrics and limits.
enum QuotaView {
// No quota view specified. Requests that do not specify a quota view will
// typically default to the BASIC view.
// Only buckets with overrides are shown in the response.
BASIC = 1;
// Include per-location buckets even if they do not have overrides.
// When the view is FULL, and a limit has regional or zonal quota, the limit
// will include buckets for all regions or zones that could support
// overrides, even if none are currently present. In some cases this will
// cause the response to become very large; callers that do not need this
// extra information should use the BASIC view instead.
FULL = 2;
// A quota bucket is a quota provisioning unit for a specific set of dimensions.
message QuotaBucket {
// The effective limit of this quota bucket. Equal to default_limit if there
// are no overrides.
int64 effective_limit = 1;
// The default limit of this quota bucket, as specified by the service
// configuration.
int64 default_limit = 2;
// Producer override on this quota bucket.
QuotaOverride producer_override = 3;
// Consumer override on this quota bucket.
QuotaOverride consumer_override = 4;
// Admin override on this quota bucket.
QuotaOverride admin_override = 5;
// Producer policy inherited from the closet ancestor of the current consumer.
ProducerQuotaPolicy producer_quota_policy = 7;
// The dimensions of this quota bucket.
// If this map is empty, this is the global bucket, which is the default quota
// value applied to all requests that do not have a more specific override.
// If this map is nonempty, the default limit, effective limit, and quota
// overrides apply only to requests that have the dimensions given in the map.
// For example, if the map has key `region` and value `us-east-1`, then the
// specified effective limit is only effective in that region, and the
// specified overrides apply only in that region.
map<string, string> dimensions = 6;
// A quota override
message QuotaOverride {
// The resource name of the override.
// This name is generated by the server when the override is created.
// Example names would be:
// `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/adminOverrides/4a3f2c1d`
// `projects/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/consumerOverrides/4a3f2c1d`
// The resource name is intended to be opaque and should not be parsed for
// its component strings, since its representation could change in the future.
string name = 1;
// The overriding quota limit value.
// Can be any nonnegative integer, or -1 (unlimited quota).
int64 override_value = 2;
// If this map is nonempty, then this override applies only to specific values
// for dimensions defined in the limit unit.
// For example, an override on a limit with the unit `1/{project}/{region}`
// could contain an entry with the key `region` and the value `us-east-1`;
// the override is only applied to quota consumed in that region.
// This map has the following restrictions:
// * Keys that are not defined in the limit's unit are not valid keys.
// Any string appearing in `{brackets}` in the unit (besides `{project}`
// or
// `{user}`) is a defined key.
// * `project` is not a valid key; the project is already specified in
// the parent resource name.
// * `user` is not a valid key; the API does not support quota overrides
// that apply only to a specific user.
// * If `region` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud region.
// * If `zone` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud zone.
// * If any valid key other than `region` or `zone` appears in the map, then
// all valid keys other than `region` or `zone` must also appear in the
// map.
map<string, string> dimensions = 3;
// The name of the metric to which this override applies.
// An example name would be:
// `compute.googleapis.com/cpus`
string metric = 4;
// The limit unit of the limit to which this override applies.
// An example unit would be:
// `1/{project}/{region}`
// Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example;
// the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string.
string unit = 5;
// The resource name of the ancestor that requested the override. For example:
// `organizations/12345` or `folders/67890`.
// Used by admin overrides only.
string admin_override_ancestor = 6;
// Import data embedded in the request message
message OverrideInlineSource {
// The overrides to create.
// Each override must have a value for 'metric' and 'unit', to specify
// which metric and which limit the override should be applied to.
// The 'name' field of the override does not need to be set; it is ignored.
repeated QuotaOverride overrides = 1;
// Enumerations of quota safety checks.
enum QuotaSafetyCheck {
// Unspecified quota safety check.
// Validates that a quota mutation would not cause the consumer's effective
// limit to be lower than the consumer's quota usage.
// Validates that a quota mutation would not cause the consumer's effective
// limit to decrease by more than 10 percent.
// Quota policy created by service producer.
message ProducerQuotaPolicy {
// The resource name of the policy.
// This name is generated by the server when the policy is created.
// Example names would be:
// `organizations/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/producerQuotaPolicies/4a3f2c1d`
string name = 1;
// The quota policy value.
// Can be any nonnegative integer, or -1 (unlimited quota).
int64 policy_value = 2;
// If this map is nonempty, then this policy applies only to specific values
// for dimensions defined in the limit unit.
// For example, a policy on a limit with the unit `1/{project}/{region}`
// could contain an entry with the key `region` and the value `us-east-1`;
// the policy is only applied to quota consumed in that region.
// This map has the following restrictions:
// * Keys that are not defined in the limit's unit are not valid keys.
// Any string appearing in {brackets} in the unit (besides {project} or
// {user}) is a defined key.
// * `project` is not a valid key; the project is already specified in
// the parent resource name.
// * `user` is not a valid key; the API does not support quota policies
// that apply only to a specific user.
// * If `region` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud region.
// * If `zone` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud zone.
// * If any valid key other than `region` or `zone` appears in the map, then
// all valid keys other than `region` or `zone` must also appear in the
// map.
map<string, string> dimensions = 3;
// The name of the metric to which this policy applies.
// An example name would be:
// `compute.googleapis.com/cpus`
string metric = 4;
// The limit unit of the limit to which this policy applies.
// An example unit would be:
// `1/{project}/{region}`
// Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example;
// the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string.
string unit = 5;
// The cloud resource container at which the quota policy is created. The
// format is `{container_type}/{container_number}`
string container = 6;
// Quota policy created by quota administrator.
message AdminQuotaPolicy {
// The resource name of the policy.
// This name is generated by the server when the policy is created.
// Example names would be:
// `organizations/123/services/compute.googleapis.com/consumerQuotaMetrics/compute.googleapis.com%2Fcpus/limits/%2Fproject%2Fregion/adminQuotaPolicies/4a3f2c1d`
string name = 1;
// The quota policy value.
// Can be any nonnegative integer, or -1 (unlimited quota).
int64 policy_value = 2;
// If this map is nonempty, then this policy applies only to specific values
// for dimensions defined in the limit unit.
// For example, a policy on a limit with the unit `1/{project}/{region}`
// could contain an entry with the key `region` and the value `us-east-1`;
// the policy is only applied to quota consumed in that region.
// This map has the following restrictions:
// * If `region` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud region.
// * If `zone` appears as a key, its value must be a valid Cloud zone.
// * Keys other than `region` or `zone` are not valid.
map<string, string> dimensions = 3;
// The name of the metric to which this policy applies.
// An example name would be:
// `compute.googleapis.com/cpus`
string metric = 4;
// The limit unit of the limit to which this policy applies.
// An example unit would be:
// `1/{project}/{region}`
// Note that `{project}` and `{region}` are not placeholders in this example;
// the literal characters `{` and `}` occur in the string.
string unit = 5;
// The cloud resource container at which the quota policy is created. The
// format is `{container_type}/{container_number}`
string container = 6;
// Service identity for a service. This is the identity that service producer
// should use to access consumer resources.
message ServiceIdentity {
// The email address of the service account that a service producer would use
// to access consumer resources.
string email = 1;
// The unique and stable id of the service account.
// https://cloud.google.com/iam/reference/rest/v1/projects.serviceAccounts#ServiceAccount
string unique_id = 2;