180 lines
5.8 KiB
180 lines
5.8 KiB
package consumer
import (
// 这里请求的py接口返回数据
type pythonApiRsp struct {
Id string `json:"id"` //物料模板的id
LogoUrl string `json:"logo_url"` //logo地址
Result string `json:"result"` //图片base64
// 消费渲染需要组装的数据
type MqConsumerRenderAssemble struct {
func (m *MqConsumerRenderAssemble) Run(ctx context.Context, data []byte) error {
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
logx.Error("MqConsumerRenderAssemble panic:", err)
logx.Info("收到需要组装的消息:", string(data))
var parseInfo websocket_data.AssembleRenderData
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &parseInfo); err != nil {
logx.Error("MqConsumerRenderAssemble数据格式错误:", err)
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
val := ctx.Value("svcctx")
if val == nil {
logx.Error("svcctx is nil")
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
svcCtx, ok := val.(*svc.ServiceContext)
if !ok {
logx.Error("svcctx is nil!!")
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
rabbitmq := initalize.RabbitMqHandle{}
templateTag, err := svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductTemplateTags.FindOneByTagName(ctx, parseInfo.RenderData.TemplateTag)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
logx.Error("can`t find template tag info by template tag:", parseInfo.RenderData.TemplateTag)
return nil
logx.Error("failed to get template tag info")
return nil
productTemplate, err := svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductTemplateV2.FindOneByProductIdTagIdWithSizeTable(ctx, parseInfo.RenderData.ProductId, fmt.Sprintf("%d", templateTag.Id))
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
logx.Error("template info is not found")
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
logx.Error("failed to get template info:", err)
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
res, err := svcCtx.Repositories.ImageHandle.LogoCombine(ctx, &repositories.LogoCombineReq{
UserId: parseInfo.RenderData.UserId,
GuestId: parseInfo.RenderData.GuestId,
TemplateId: productTemplate.Id,
TemplateTag: parseInfo.RenderData.TemplateTag,
Website: parseInfo.RenderData.Website,
Slogan: parseInfo.RenderData.Slogan,
Address: parseInfo.RenderData.Address,
Phone: parseInfo.RenderData.Phone,
if err != nil {
logx.Error("合成刀版图失败:", err)
return nil
combineImage := "" //刀版图
if res != nil && res.ResourceUrl != nil {
combineImage = *res.ResourceUrl
} else {
logx.Error("合成刀版图失败,合成的刀版图是空指针:", err)
return nil
logx.Info("合成刀版图成功:", *res.ResourceUrl)
element, err := svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductTemplateElement.FindOneByModelId(ctx, *productTemplate.ModelId)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
logx.Error("element info is not found,model_id = ?", *productTemplate.ModelId)
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
logx.Error("failed to get element list,", err)
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
refletion := -1
if element.Refletion != nil && *element.Refletion != "" {
refletion, err = strconv.Atoi(*element.Refletion)
var mode map[string]interface{}
if element.Mode != nil && *element.Mode != "" {
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(*element.Mode), &mode); err != nil {
logx.Error("faile to parse element mode json:", err)
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
tempData := make([]map[string]interface{}, 0, 3)
if element.Base != nil && *element.Base != "" {
tempData = append(tempData, map[string]interface{}{
"name": "model",
"data": "0," + combineImage + "," + *element.Base,
"type": "other",
"layer": "0",
"is_update": 1,
"mode": mode["model"],
if element.Shadow != nil && *element.Shadow != "" {
tempData = append(tempData, map[string]interface{}{
"name": "shadow",
"data": *element.Shadow,
"type": "other",
"layer": "0",
"is_update": 0,
"mode": mode["shadow"],
if element.ModelP != nil && *element.ModelP != "" {
tempData = append(tempData, map[string]interface{}{
"name": "model_P",
"data": "0," + *element.ModelP,
"type": "other",
"layer": "0",
"is_update": 0,
"mode": mode["model_P"],
result := []interface{}{
"light": *element.Light,
"refletion": refletion,
"scale": *element.Scale,
"sku_id": parseInfo.RenderData.ProductId,
"tid": *element.Title,
"rotation": *element.Rotation,
"filePath": "", //todo 文件路径,针对千人千面
"data": tempData,
sendData := map[string]interface{}{
"id": parseInfo.TaskId,
"order_id": 0,
"user_id": parseInfo.RenderData.UserId,
"guest_id": parseInfo.RenderData.GuestId,
"sku_ids": []int64{parseInfo.RenderData.ProductId},
"tids": []string{*element.Title},
"data": result,
"is_thousand_face": 0,
"folder": "", //todo 千人千面需要使用
b, _ := json.Marshal(sendData)
if err = rabbitmq.SendMsg(constants.RABBIT_MQ_TO_UNITY, b); err != nil {
logx.Error("发送渲染组装数据到rabbitmq失败:", err)
return nil //不返回错误就删除消息
return nil