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2023-07-19 17:36:27 +08:00

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package logic
import (
type GetProductListLogic struct {
ctx context.Context
svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext
func NewGetProductListLogic(ctx context.Context, svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext) *GetProductListLogic {
return &GetProductListLogic{
Logger: logx.WithContext(ctx),
ctx: ctx,
svcCtx: svcCtx,
// 获取产品列表
func (l *GetProductListLogic) GetProductList(req *types.GetProductListReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo) (resp *basic.Response) {
if req.IsDemo == 1 {
var demo types.GetProductListRsp
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(constants.PRODUCT_LIST_DEMO), &demo); err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "demo data format err")
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success", demo)
if req.Page <= 0{
req.Page = constants.DEFAULT_PAGE
if req.Size > 0 {
req.Size = image.GetCurrentSize(req.Size)
pageSize := constants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE
userModel := gmodel.NewFsUserModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
user, err := userModel.FindUserById(l.ctx, userinfo.UserId)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "get user info err")
productModel := gmodel.NewFsProductModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
productList, total, err := productModel.GetProductListByTypeIds(l.ctx, []int64{req.Cid}, int(req.Page), pageSize, "sort-desc")
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "failed to get product list")
productLen := len(productList)
if productLen == 0 {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success")
productIds := make([]int64, 0, productLen)
for _, v := range productList {
productIds = append(productIds, v.Id)
productPriceModel := gmodel.NewFsProductPriceModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
productPriceList, err := productPriceModel.GetSimplePriceListByProductIds(l.ctx, productIds)
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "failed to get product min price list")
mapProductMinPrice := make(map[int64]int64)
for _, v := range productPriceList {
priceStrSlic := strings.Split(v.Price, ",")
priceSlice, err := format.StrSlicToIntSlice(priceStrSlic)
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, err.Error())
if len(priceSlice) == 0 {
mapProductMinPrice[v.ProductId] = int64(priceSlice[0])
productTemplateModel := gmodel.NewFsProductTemplateV2Model(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
productTemplatesV2, err := productTemplateModel.FindAllByProductIds(l.ctx, productIds)
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "get product template_v2 err")
mapProductTemplate := make(map[int64]struct{})
for _, v := range productTemplatesV2 {
mapProductTemplate[*v.ProductId] = struct{}{}
tagsModel := gmodel.NewFsTagsModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
tagInfo, err := tagsModel.FindOne(l.ctx, req.Cid)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sqlc.ErrNotFound) {
if errors.Is(err, gorm.ErrRecordNotFound) {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "tag is not exists")
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "get tag err")
productSizeModel := gmodel.NewFsProductSizeModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
productSizeCountList, err := productSizeModel.GetGroupProductSizeByStatus(l.ctx, productIds, 1)
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "get product size count err")
mapProductSizeCount := make(map[int64]int64)
for _, v := range productSizeCountList {
mapProductSizeCount[v.ProductId] = v.Num
itemList := make([]types.Items, 0, productLen)
for _, v := range productList {
minPrice, ok := mapProductMinPrice[v.Id]
_, tmpOk := mapProductTemplate[v.Id]
//无最小价格则不显示 || 没有模板也不显示
if !ok || !tmpOk {
sizeNum := int64(0)
if mapSizeNum, ok := mapProductSizeCount[v.Id]; ok {
sizeNum = mapSizeNum
item := types.Items{
Id: v.Id,
Sn: *v.Sn,
Title: *v.Title,
Intro: *v.Intro,
IsEnv: *v.IsProtection,
IsMicro: *v.IsMicrowave,
SizeNum: uint32(sizeNum),
MiniPrice: minPrice,
r := image.ThousandFaceImageFormatReq{
Size: int(req.Size),
IsThousandFace: 0,
Cover: *v.Cover,
CoverImg: *v.CoverImg,
CoverDefault: *v.CoverImg,
ProductId: v.Id,
UserId: user.Id,
if user.Id != 0 {
r.IsThousandFace = int(*user.IsThousandFace)
item.Cover = r.Cover
item.CoverImg = r.CoverImg
item.CoverDefault = r.CoverDefault
itemList = append(itemList, item)
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success", types.GetProductListRsp{
Ob: types.Ob{
Items: itemList,
Meta: types.Meta{
TotalCount: total,
PageCount: int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(pageSize))),
CurrentPage: int(req.Page),
PerPage: pageSize,
TypeName: *tagInfo.Title,
Description: *tagInfo.Description,