package logic //websocket连接 import ( "bytes" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "fusenapi/constants" "fusenapi/utils/auth" "fusenapi/utils/basic" "fusenapi/utils/encryption_decryption" "fusenapi/utils/websocket_data" "net/http" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "context" "fusenapi/server/websocket/internal/svc" "" ) type DataTransferLogic struct { logx.Logger ctx context.Context svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext } func NewDataTransferLogic(ctx context.Context, svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext) *DataTransferLogic { return &DataTransferLogic{ Logger: logx.WithContext(ctx), ctx: ctx, svcCtx: svcCtx, } } var ( //临时对象缓存池 buffPool = sync.Pool{ New: func() interface{} { return bytes.Buffer{} }, } //升级websocket upgrader = websocket.Upgrader{ //最大可读取大小 1M ReadBufferSize: 1024, //最大可写大小 1M WriteBufferSize: 1024, //握手超时时间15s HandshakeTimeout: time.Second * 15, //允许跨域 CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }, //写的缓冲队列 WriteBufferPool: &buffPool, //是否支持压缩 EnableCompression: true, } //websocket连接存储 mapConnPool = sync.Map{} //用户标识的连接(白板用户不存) mapUserConnPool = make(map[string]map[string]struct{}) //key是user_id +"_"+guest_id (val是个普通map,存储这个用户的所有连接标识) //用户标识的连接增删操作队列 mapUserConnPoolCtlChan = make(chan userConnPoolChanItem, 2000) //每个websocket连接入口缓冲队列长度 websocketInChanLen = 1000 //每个websocket连接出口缓冲队列长度 websocketOutChanLen = 1000 //渲染任务调度(添加任务/删除任务/修改任务属性)缓冲队列长度(该队列用于避免map并发读写冲突) renderImageTaskCtlChanLen = 500 //渲染任务缓冲队列长度 renderChanLen = 500 //是否开启debug openDebug = false //允许跨域的origin mapAllowOrigin = map[string]struct{}{ "": struct{}{}, "": struct{}{}, } ) // 用户标识的连接增删操作队列传输的值的结构 type userConnPoolChanItem struct { userId int64 //必须(两个用户id任意一个不为0) guestId int64 //必须(两个用户id任意一个不为0) uniqueId string //主连接池唯一标识(添加/删除时候必须) message []byte //消息(发送消息传的,格式是经过标准输出序列化后的数据) messageType constants.Websocket //消息类型(发送消息传的) option int64 //操作 2发消息 1增加 0删除 } // 每个连接的连接基本属性 type wsConnectItem struct { conn *websocket.Conn //websocket的连接(基本属性) userAgent string //用户代理头信息(基本属性,用于重连标识验证因素之一) logic *DataTransferLogic //logic(基本属性,用于获取上下文,配置或者操作数据库) closeChan chan struct{} //ws连接关闭chan(基本属性) isClose bool //是否已经关闭(基本属性) uniqueId string //ws连接唯一标识(基本属性) inChan chan []byte //接受消息缓冲队列(基本属性) outChan chan []byte //要发送回客户端的消息缓冲队列(基本属性) mutex sync.Mutex //互斥锁(基本属性) userId int64 //用户id(基本属性) guestId int64 //游客id(基本属性) extendRenderProperty extendRenderProperty //扩展云渲染属性(扩展属性) } // 请求建立连接,升级websocket协议 func (l *DataTransferLogic) DataTransfer(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { origin := r.Header.Get("Origin") //判断是不是允许的跨域 upgrader.CheckOrigin = func(r *http.Request) bool { if _, ok := mapAllowOrigin[origin]; !ok { return false } return true } //把子协议携带的token设置到标准token头信息中 token := r.Header.Get("Sec-Websocket-Protocol") //有token是正常用户,无则是白板用户,也可以连接 if token != "" { r.Header.Set("Authorization", "Bearer "+token) //设置Sec-Websocket-Protocol upgrader.Subprotocols = []string{token} } //判断下是否火狐浏览器(获取浏览器第一条消息返回有收不到的bug需要延迟1秒) userAgent := r.Header.Get("User-Agent") //是否火狐浏览器 isFirefoxBrowser := false if strings.Contains(userAgent, "Firefox") { isFirefoxBrowser = true } //升级websocket conn, err := upgrader.Upgrade(w, r, nil) if err != nil { logx.Error("http upgrade websocket err:", err) return } //鉴权不成功后断开 var ( userInfo *auth.UserInfo isAuth bool ) isAuth, userInfo = l.checkAuth(r) if !isAuth { //未授权响应消息 l.unAuthResponse(conn, isFirefoxBrowser) conn.Close() return } //设置连接 ws, err := l.setConnPool(conn, userInfo, isFirefoxBrowser, userAgent) if err != nil { conn.Close() return } //循环读客户端信息 go ws.reciveBrowserMessage() //消费出口数据并发送浏览器端 go ws.consumeOutChanData() //消费入口数据 go ws.consumeInChanData() //操作连接中渲染任务的增加/删除 go ws.operationRenderTask() //消费渲染缓冲队列 go ws.consumeRenderImageData() //心跳 ws.heartbeat() } // 设置连接 func (l *DataTransferLogic) setConnPool(conn *websocket.Conn, userInfo *auth.UserInfo, isFirefoxBrowser bool, userAgent string) (wsConnectItem, error) { //生成连接唯一标识(失败重试10次) uniqueId, err := l.getUniqueId(userInfo, userAgent, 10) if err != nil { //发送获取唯一标识失败的消息 l.sendGetUniqueIdErrResponse(conn) return wsConnectItem{}, err } ws := wsConnectItem{ conn: conn, userAgent: userAgent, logic: l, closeChan: make(chan struct{}, 1), isClose: false, uniqueId: uniqueId, inChan: make(chan []byte, websocketInChanLen), outChan: make(chan []byte, websocketOutChanLen), mutex: sync.Mutex{}, userId: userInfo.UserId, guestId: userInfo.GuestId, extendRenderProperty: extendRenderProperty{ renderImageTask: make(map[string]*renderTask), renderImageTaskCtlChan: make(chan renderImageControlChanItem, renderImageTaskCtlChanLen), renderChan: make(chan []byte, renderChanLen), }, } //保存连接 mapConnPool.Store(uniqueId, ws) //非白板用户,需要为这个用户建立map索引便于通过用户查询 if userInfo.IsUser() || userInfo.IsGuest() { createUserConnPoolElement(userInfo.UserId, userInfo.GuestId, uniqueId) } if isFirefoxBrowser { time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) //兼容下火狐(直接发回去收不到第一条消息:有待研究) } ws.sendToOutChan(ws.respondDataFormat(constants.WEBSOCKET_CONNECT_SUCCESS, uniqueId)) return ws, nil } // 添加用户索引池ws连接 func createUserConnPoolElement(userId, guestId int64, uniqueId string) { data := userConnPoolChanItem{ userId: userId, guestId: guestId, uniqueId: uniqueId, message: nil, messageType: "", option: 1, } select { case mapUserConnPoolCtlChan <- data: return case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 200): return } } // 从用户索引池删除ws连接 func deleteUserConnPoolElement(userId, guestId int64, uniqueId string) { data := userConnPoolChanItem{ userId: userId, guestId: guestId, uniqueId: uniqueId, message: nil, messageType: "", option: 0, } select { case mapUserConnPoolCtlChan <- data: return case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 200): return } } // 根据用户索引发现链接并发送消息到出口队列 func sendToOutChanByUserIndex(userId, guestId int64, message []byte) { data := userConnPoolChanItem{ userId: userId, guestId: guestId, uniqueId: "", message: message, option: 2, } select { case mapUserConnPoolCtlChan <- data: return case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 200): return } } // 消费用户索引创建/删除/发送消息中的任务数据 func ConsumeUserPoolData(ctx context.Context) { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { logx.Error("consumeUserPoolData panic:", err) } }() go func() { select { case <-ctx.Done(): panic("ConsumeUserPoolData ctx deadline") } }() for { select { case data := <-mapUserConnPoolCtlChan: key := getmapUserConnPoolUniqueId(data.userId, data.guestId) switch data.option { case 2: //发送消息 logx.Info("通过用户id索引发送消息") mapUserUniqueId, ok := mapUserConnPool[key] if !ok { logx.Info("通过用户id索引发送消息,连接不存在,用户索引key:", key) continue } for uniqueId, _ := range mapUserUniqueId { //根据uniqueId查询原始池中连接 mapConnPoolVal, ok := mapConnPool.Load(uniqueId) if !ok { logx.Info("通过用户id索引发送消息,连接不存在,用户索引key:", key, " 原始uniqueId:", uniqueId) continue } originConn, ok := mapConnPoolVal.(wsConnectItem) if !ok { logx.Error("通过用户id索引发送消息,断言原始连接失败,用户索引key:", key, " 原始uniqueId:", uniqueId) continue } originConn.sendToOutChan(data.message) } case 1: //添加 logx.Info("添加用户id索引标识:", data.uniqueId) if mapUserUniqueId, ok := mapUserConnPool[key]; ok { mapUserUniqueId[data.uniqueId] = struct{}{} } else { mapUserConnPool[key] = make(map[string]struct{}) mapUserConnPool[key][data.uniqueId] = struct{}{} } case 0: //删除 logx.Info("删除用户id索引标识:", data.uniqueId) if mapUserUniqueId, ok := mapUserConnPool[key]; ok { delete(mapUserUniqueId, data.uniqueId) } default: } } } } // 获取mapUserConnPool唯一id func getmapUserConnPoolUniqueId(userId, guestId int64) (uniqueId string) { if userId > 0 { guestId = 0 } return fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", userId, guestId) } // 获取websocket发送到前端使用的数据传输类型(debug开启是文本,否则是二进制) func getWebsocketBaseTransferDataFormat() int { if openDebug { return websocket.TextMessage } return websocket.BinaryMessage } // 获取唯一id func (l *DataTransferLogic) getUniqueId(userInfo *auth.UserInfo, userAgent string, retryTimes int) (uniqueId string, err error) { if retryTimes < 0 { return "", errors.New("failed to get unique id") } //后面拼接上用户id uniqueId = hex.EncodeToString([]byte(uuid.New().String())) + getUserJoinPart(userInfo.UserId, userInfo.GuestId, userAgent) //存在则从新获取 if _, ok := mapConnPool.Load(uniqueId); ok { uniqueId, err = l.getUniqueId(userInfo, userAgent, retryTimes-1) if err != nil { return "", err } } //加密 uniqueId, err = encryption_decryption.CBCEncrypt(uniqueId) if err != nil { return "", err } return uniqueId, nil } // 鉴权 func (l *DataTransferLogic) checkAuth(r *http.Request) (isAuth bool, userInfo *auth.UserInfo) { // 解析JWT token,并对空用户进行判断 userInfo, err := basic.ParseJwtToken(r, l.svcCtx) if err != nil { return false, nil } if userInfo.UserId > 0 { userInfo.GuestId = 0 } //白板用户 return true, userInfo } // 鉴权失败通知 func (l *DataTransferLogic) unAuthResponse(conn *websocket.Conn, isFirefoxBrowser bool) { rsp := websocket_data.DataTransferData{ T: constants.WEBSOCKET_UNAUTH, D: nil, } b, _ := json.Marshal(rsp) if isFirefoxBrowser { time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) //兼容下火狐(直接发回去收不到第一条消息:有待研究) } //先发一条正常信息 _ = conn.WriteMessage(getWebsocketBaseTransferDataFormat(), b) //发送关闭信息 _ = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, nil) } // 获取唯一标识失败通知 func (l *DataTransferLogic) sendGetUniqueIdErrResponse(conn *websocket.Conn) { time.Sleep(time.Second * 1) //兼容下火狐(直接发回去收不到第一条消息:有待研究) rsp := websocket_data.DataTransferData{ T: constants.WEBSOCKET_CONNECT_ERR, D: "err to gen unique id ", } b, _ := json.Marshal(rsp) //先发一条正常信息 _ = conn.WriteMessage(getWebsocketBaseTransferDataFormat(), b) //发送关闭信息 _ = conn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, nil) } // 心跳检测 func (w *wsConnectItem) heartbeat() { tick := time.Tick(time.Second * 5) for { select { case <-w.closeChan: return case <-tick: //发送心跳信息 if err := w.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.PongMessage, nil); err != nil { logx.Error("发送心跳信息异常,关闭连接:", w.uniqueId, err) w.close() return } } } } // 关闭websocket连接 func (w *wsConnectItem) close() { w.mutex.Lock() defer w.mutex.Unlock() logx.Info("###websocket:", w.uniqueId, " uid:", w.userId, " gid:", w.guestId, " is closing....") //发送关闭信息 _ = w.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, nil) w.conn.Close() mapConnPool.Delete(w.uniqueId) if !w.isClose { w.isClose = true close(w.closeChan) //删除用户级索引 deleteUserConnPoolElement(w.userId, w.guestId, w.uniqueId) } logx.Info("###websocket:", w.uniqueId, " uid:", w.userId, " gid:", w.guestId, " is closed") } // 读取出口缓冲队列数据输出返回给浏览器端 func (w *wsConnectItem) consumeOutChanData() { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { logx.Error("consumeOutChanData panic:", err) } }() for { select { case <-w.closeChan: //如果关闭了 return case data := <-w.outChan: if err := w.conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, data); err != nil { logx.Error("websocket write loop err:", err) w.close() return } } } } // 消费websocket入口数据池中的数据 func (w *wsConnectItem) consumeInChanData() { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { logx.Error("consumeInChanData:", err) } }() for { select { case <-w.closeChan: return case data := <-w.inChan: //对不同消息类型分发处理 w.allocationProcessing(data) } } } // 接受浏览器端发来的消息并写入入口缓冲队列 func (w *wsConnectItem) reciveBrowserMessage() { defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { logx.Error("acceptBrowserMessage panic:", err) } }() for { select { case <-w.closeChan: //如果关闭了 return default: //收取消息 msgType, data, err := w.conn.ReadMessage() if err != nil { logx.Error("接受信息错误:", err) //关闭连接 w.close() return } //ping/pong/close的消息不处理 if msgType != websocket.PingMessage && msgType != websocket.PongMessage && msgType != websocket.CloseMessage { w.sendToInChan(data) } } } } // 把要传递给客户端的数据放入出口缓冲队列 func (w *wsConnectItem) sendToOutChan(data []byte) { select { case <-w.closeChan: return case w.outChan <- data: return case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 200): //阻塞超过200ms丢弃 logx.Error("failed to send to out chan,time expired,data:", string(data)) return } } // 发送接受到的消息到入口缓冲队列中 func (w *wsConnectItem) sendToInChan(data []byte) { select { case <-w.closeChan: //关闭了 return case w.inChan <- data: return case <-time.After(time.Millisecond * 200): //200豪秒超时丢弃,说明超过消费速度了 w.sendToOutChan(w.respondDataFormat(constants.WEBSOCKET_INCOME_CACHE_QUEUE_OVERFLOW, "send message is too frequent,the message is ignore by system:"+string(data))) return } } // 格式化为websocket标准返回格式 func (w *wsConnectItem) respondDataFormat(msgType constants.Websocket, data interface{}) []byte { d := websocket_data.DataTransferData{ T: msgType, D: data, } b, _ := json.Marshal(d) return b } // 处理入口缓冲队列中不同类型的数据(分发处理) func (w *wsConnectItem) allocationProcessing(data []byte) { var parseInfo websocket_data.DataTransferData if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &parseInfo); err != nil { w.incomeDataFormatErrResponse("invalid format of income message:" + string(data)) logx.Error("invalid format of websocket message:", err) return } d, _ := json.Marshal(parseInfo.D) //获取工厂实例 processor := w.newAllocationProcessor(parseInfo.T) if processor == nil { logx.Error("未知消息类型:", string(data)) return } //执行工厂方法 processor.allocationMessage(w, d) }