package logic import ( "fmt" "fusenapi/constants" "fusenapi/model/gmodel" "fusenapi/utils/auth" "fusenapi/utils/basic" "fusenapi/utils/format" "fusenapi/utils/image" "fusenapi/utils/step_price" "math" "strings" "context" "fusenapi/server/inventory/internal/svc" "fusenapi/server/inventory/internal/types" "" ) type GetCloudListLogic struct { logx.Logger ctx context.Context svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext } func NewGetCloudListLogic(ctx context.Context, svcCtx *svc.ServiceContext) *GetCloudListLogic { return &GetCloudListLogic{ Logger: logx.WithContext(ctx), ctx: ctx, svcCtx: svcCtx, } } func (l *GetCloudListLogic) GetCloudList(req *types.GetCloudListReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo) (resp *basic.Response) { if userinfo.GetIdType() != auth.IDTYPE_User { return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "please login first") } if req.Page <= 0 { req.Page = constants.DEFAULT_PAGE } if req.PageSize <= 0 || req.PageSize > 200 { req.PageSize = constants.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE } sizeFlag := false if req.Size >= 200 { sizeFlag = true req.Size = int64(image.GetCurrentSize(uint32(req.Size))) } //获取个人云仓列表 getStockListStatus := int64(1) stockList, total, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsUserStock.GetStockList(l.ctx, gmodel.GetStockListReq{ UserId: userinfo.UserId, Page: int(req.Page), Limit: int(req.PageSize), Status: &getStockListStatus, }) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get user stock list") } if len(stockList) == 0 { return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success", types.GetCloudListRsp{ ListData: []types.ListDataItem{}, }) } designIds := make([]int64, 0, len(stockList)) for _, v := range stockList { designIds = append(designIds, *v.DesignId) } //获取设计数据 productDesignList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductDesign.GetAllByIdsWithoutStatus(l.ctx, designIds) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get product design list") } //尺寸ids sizeIds := make([]int64, 0, len(productDesignList)) //产品ids productIds := make([]int64, 0, len(productDesignList)) //模板ids templateIds := make([]int64, 0, len(productDesignList)) //配件ids optionalIds := make([]int64, 0, len(productDesignList)) mapProductDesign := make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductDesign) for _, v := range productDesignList { sizeIds = append(sizeIds, *v.SizeId) productIds = append(productIds, *v.ProductId) templateIds = append(templateIds, *v.TemplateId) optionalIds = append(optionalIds, *v.OptionalId) mapProductDesign[v.Id] = v } //获取尺寸信息 sizeList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductSize.GetAllByProductIdsWithoutStatus(l.ctx, sizeIds, "") if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get product size list") } mapSize := make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductSize) for _, v := range sizeList { mapSize[v.Id] = v } //获取产品信息 productList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProduct.GetProductListByIdsWithoutStatus(l.ctx, productIds, "") if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get product list") } mapProduct := make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProduct) for _, v := range productList { mapProduct[v.Id] = v } //获取模板信息 productTemplateList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductTemplateV2.FindAllByIdsWithoutStatus(l.ctx, templateIds) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get product template list") } mapTemplate := make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductTemplateV2) for _, v := range productTemplateList { mapTemplate[v.Id] = v } //获取配件列表 productModel3dList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductModel3d.GetAllByIdsWithoutStatus(l.ctx, optionalIds) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get product 3d model list") } mapProductModel := make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductModel3d) for _, v := range productModel3dList { mapProductModel[v.Id] = v } //根据产品ids获取产品价格 priceList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductPrice.GetPriceListByProductIds(l.ctx, productIds) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeDbSqlErr, "failed to get product price list") } //根据产品id,材质,尺寸存储价格 mapProductMaterialSizePrice := make(map[string][]types.PriceItem) for _, v := range priceList { if *v.StepNum == "" || *v.StepPrice == "" { return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "price data`s step num or step price is empty") } stepNum, err := format.StrSlicToIntSlice(strings.Split(*v.StepNum, ",")) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "parse step num err") } stepPrice, err := format.StrSlicToIntSlice(strings.Split(*v.StepPrice, ",")) if err != nil { logx.Error(err) return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "parse step price err") } lenStepPrice := len(stepPrice) //不确定长度给20 for *v.MinBuyNum < int64(stepPrice[lenStepPrice-1]+5) { mapKey := l.getMapProductMaterialSizePriceKey(*v.ProductId, *v.MaterialId, *v.SizeId) mapProductMaterialSizePrice[mapKey] = append(mapProductMaterialSizePrice[mapKey], types.PriceItem{ Num: *v.MinBuyNum, TotalNum: *v.MinBuyNum * (*v.EachBoxNum), Price: step_price.GetCentStepPrice(int(*v.MinBuyNum), stepNum, stepPrice), }) *v.MinBuyNum++ } } warehouseBoxes := int64(0) transitBoxes := int64(0) listDataRsp := make([]types.ListDataItem, 0, len(stockList)) for _, v := range stockList { dataItem := types.ListDataItem{ Id: v.Id, Production: *v.Production, EachBoxNum: *v.EachBoxNum, Stick: *v.Stick, Type: 1, TakeNum: 1, // 步数 } //设计详情 designInfo, designOk := mapProductDesign[*v.DesignId] sizeId := int64(0) optionalId := int64(0) if designOk { mapKey := l.getMapProductMaterialSizePriceKey(*v.ProductId, *designInfo.MaterialId, *designInfo.SizeId) dataItem.DesignSn = *designInfo.Sn dataItem.Cover = *designInfo.Cover sizeId = *designInfo.SizeId optionalId = *designInfo.OptionalId dataItem.PriceList = mapProductMaterialSizePrice[mapKey] } //模型信息 productModel3dInfo, model3dOk := mapProductModel[optionalId] if model3dOk { dataItem.Fitting = *productModel3dInfo.Title //配件下架 if *productModel3dInfo.Status == 0 { dataItem.IsStop = 3 } } //模板信息 templateInfo, templateOk := mapTemplate[*designInfo.TemplateId] if templateOk { //模板下架 if *templateInfo.IsDel == 1 || *templateInfo.Status == 0 { dataItem.IsStop = 1 } } //尺寸信息 sizeInfo, sizeOk := mapSize[sizeId] if sizeOk { dataItem.Size = *sizeInfo.Capacity //尺寸下架 if *sizeInfo.Status == 0 { dataItem.IsStop = 1 } } //产品信息 productInfo, productOk := mapProduct[*v.ProductId] if productOk { dataItem.Sn = *productInfo.Sn dataItem.Name = *productInfo.Title if *productInfo.IsShelf == 0 || *productInfo.IsDel == 1 { dataItem.IsStop = 2 } } if sizeFlag { coverArr := strings.Split(*designInfo.Cover, ".") if len(coverArr) < 2 { return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "cover split slice item count is less than 2") } dataItem.Cover = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d.%s", coverArr[0], req.Size, coverArr[1]) } //生产中的箱数 if *v.EachBoxNum > 0 { dataItem.ProductionBox = *v.Production / *v.EachBoxNum dataItem.StickBox = *v.Stick / *v.EachBoxNum } //判断提示类型1 2告急 3没有了 if *v.Stick <= 0 && *v.Production <= 0 { dataItem.Type = 3 } if (*v.Stick+*v.Production) / *v.EachBoxNum <= 3 { dataItem.Type = 2 } listDataRsp = append(listDataRsp, dataItem) //累加在库数量和运输数量 if *v.EachBoxNum != 0 { warehouseBoxes += *v.Stick / *v.EachBoxNum transitBoxes += *v.TransNum / *v.EachBoxNum } } return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeOK, "success", types.GetCloudListRsp{ WarehouseBoxes: warehouseBoxes, TransitBoxes: transitBoxes, MinTakeNum: 3, ListData: listDataRsp, Pagnation: types.Pagnation{ TotalCount: total, TotalPage: int64(math.Ceil(float64(total) / float64(req.PageSize))), CurPage: req.Page, PageSize: req.PageSize, }, }) } func (l *GetCloudListLogic) getMapProductMaterialSizePriceKey(productId int64, materialId int64, sizeId int64) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d-%d", productId, materialId, sizeId) }