This commit is contained in:
@ -18,12 +18,15 @@ func (p *FsProductModel) FindOneBySn(ctx context.Context, sn string, fields ...s
err = db.Take(&resp).Error
return resp, err
func (p *FsProductModel) GetProductListByIds(ctx context.Context, productIds []int64, sort string) (resp []FsProduct, err error) {
func (p *FsProductModel) GetProductListByIds(ctx context.Context, productIds []int64, sort string, fields ...string) (resp []FsProduct, err error) {
if len(productIds) == 0 {
db := p.db.Model(&FsProduct{}).WithContext(ctx).
Where("`id` in (?) and `is_del` =? and `is_shelf` = ? and `status` =?", productIds, 0, 1, 1)
if len(fields) > 0 {
db = db.Select(fields[0])
switch sort {
case "sort-asc":
db = db.Order("`sort` ASC")
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ func (p *FsProductPriceModel) GetSimplePriceListByProductIds(ctx context.Context
func (p *FsProductPriceModel) GetPriceListBySizeIds(ctx context.Context, sizeIds []int64) (resp []FsProductPrice, err error) {
if len(sizeIds) == 0 {
func (p *FsProductPriceModel) GetPriceListByProductIdsSizeIds(ctx context.Context, productIds, sizeIds []int64) (resp []FsProductPrice, err error) {
if len(sizeIds) == 0 || len(productIds) == 0 {
err = p.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductPrice{}).Where("`size_id` in (?) and `status` = ? ", sizeIds, 1).Find(&resp).Error
err = p.db.WithContext(ctx).Model(&FsProductPrice{}).Where("`size_id` in (?) and `product_id` in (?) and `status` = ? ", sizeIds, productIds, 1).Find(&resp).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetSizeByProduct(req *types.Request, userinfo *a
productPriceModel := gmodel.NewFsProductPriceModel(l.svcCtx.MysqlConn)
productPriceList, err := productPriceModel.GetPriceListBySizeIds(l.ctx, sizeIds)
productPriceList, err := productPriceModel.GetPriceListByProductIdsSizeIds(l.ctx, productIds, sizeIds)
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, "failed to get product proce list")
mapProductPrice := make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductPrice)
mapProductPrice := make(map[string]gmodel.FsProductPrice)
for _, v := range productPriceList {
mapProductPrice[*v.SizeId] = v
mapProductPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", *v.ProductId, *v.SizeId)] = v
list := make([]types.GetSizeByProductRsp, 0, len(tagsList))
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetSizeByProduct(req *types.Request, userinfo *a
// 第一层子层
func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetFirstChildrenList(tag gmodel.FsTags, productList []gmodel.FsProduct, productSizeList []gmodel.FsProductSize, mapProductPrice map[int64]gmodel.FsProductPrice) (childrenList []types.Children, err error) {
func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetFirstChildrenList(tag gmodel.FsTags, productList []gmodel.FsProduct, productSizeList []gmodel.FsProductSize, mapProductPrice map[string]gmodel.FsProductPrice) (childrenList []types.Children, err error) {
childrenList = make([]types.Children, 0, len(productList))
for _, product := range productList {
if *product.Type != tag.Id {
@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetFirstChildrenList(tag gmodel.FsTags, productL
// 第2层子层
func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetSecondChildrenList(product gmodel.FsProduct, productSizeList []gmodel.FsProductSize, mapProductPrice map[int64]gmodel.FsProductPrice) (childrenObjList []types.ChildrenObj, err error) {
func (l *GetSizeByProductLogic) GetSecondChildrenList(product gmodel.FsProduct, productSizeList []gmodel.FsProductSize, mapProductPrice map[string]gmodel.FsProductPrice) (childrenObjList []types.ChildrenObj, err error) {
childrenObjList = make([]types.ChildrenObj, 0, len(productSizeList))
for _, productSize := range productSizeList {
if product.Id != *productSize.ProductId {
priceList := make([]types.PriceObj, 0, len(productSizeList))
price, ok := mapProductPrice[productSize.Id]
price, ok := mapProductPrice[fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", *productSize.ProductId, productSize.Id)]
if !ok {
priceList = []types.PriceObj{
@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetCarts(req *types.GetCartsReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo
mapSize = make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductSize)
mapModel = make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductModel3d)
mapTemplate = make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductTemplateV2)
mapSizePrice = make(map[int64]gmodel.FsProductPrice)
mapSizePrice = make(map[string]gmodel.FsProductPrice)
mapProduct = make(map[int64]struct{})
err = l.GetRelationInfo(GetRelationInfoReq{
@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetCarts(req *types.GetCartsReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo
MapModel: mapModel,
MapTemplate: mapTemplate,
MapSizePrice: mapSizePrice,
MapProduct: mapProduct,
if err != nil {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, err.Error())
@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetCarts(req *types.GetCartsReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo
MapTemplate: mapTemplate,
MapCartChange: mapCartChange,
MapSnapshot: mapSnapshot,
MapProduct: mapProduct,
if err != nil {
logx.Error("VerifyShoppingCartSnapshotDataChange err:", err.Error())
@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetCarts(req *types.GetCartsReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo
list := make([]types.CartItem, 0, len(carts))
for _, cart := range carts {
snapShot := mapSnapshot[cart.Id]
sizePrice, ok := mapSizePrice[*cart.SizeId]
sizePrice, ok := mapSizePrice[fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", *cart.ProductId, *cart.SizeId)]
if !ok {
return resp.SetStatusWithMessage(basic.CodeServiceErr, fmt.Sprintf("the size`s price info is not exists:%d", *cart.SizeId))
@ -126,15 +129,12 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetCarts(req *types.GetCartsReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo
boxQuantity := int(math.Ceil(float64(*cart.PurchaseQuantity) / float64(*sizePrice.EachBoxNum)))
stepQuantityList := make([]types.StepNumItem, 0, 10)
stepQuantityList := make([]int64, 0, 20)
tmpMinBuyNum := *sizePrice.MinBuyNum
for tmpMinBuyNum < (int64(stepNum[lenStepNum-1]) + 5) {
tmpQuantity := tmpMinBuyNum * (*sizePrice.EachBoxNum)
stepQuantityList = append(stepQuantityList, types.StepNumItem{
PurchaseQuantity: tmpQuantity,
IsSelected: *cart.PurchaseQuantity == tmpQuantity,
stepQuantityList = append(stepQuantityList, tmpQuantity)
@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetCarts(req *types.GetCartsReq, userinfo *auth.UserInfo
Qrcode: snapShot.UserDiyInformation.Qrcode,
Slogan: snapShot.UserDiyInformation.Slogan,
PurchaseQuantity: *cart.PurchaseQuantity,
StepNum: stepQuantityList,
IsInvalid: false,
InvalidDescription: "",
@ -197,7 +198,8 @@ type GetRelationInfoReq struct {
MapSize map[int64]gmodel.FsProductSize
MapModel map[int64]gmodel.FsProductModel3d
MapTemplate map[int64]gmodel.FsProductTemplateV2
MapSizePrice map[int64]gmodel.FsProductPrice
MapSizePrice map[string]gmodel.FsProductPrice
MapProduct map[int64]struct{}
func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetRelationInfo(req GetRelationInfoReq) error {
@ -205,10 +207,21 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetRelationInfo(req GetRelationInfoReq) error {
templateIds := make([]int64, 0, lenCarts)
modelIds := make([]int64, 0, lenCarts) //模型 + 配件
sizeIds := make([]int64, 0, lenCarts)
productIds := make([]int64, 0, lenCarts)
for index := range req.Carts {
templateIds = append(templateIds, *req.Carts[index].TemplateId)
modelIds = append(modelIds, *req.Carts[index].ModelId, *req.Carts[index].FittingId)
sizeIds = append(sizeIds, *req.Carts[index].SizeId)
productIds = append(productIds, *req.Carts[index].ProductId)
productList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProduct.GetProductListByIds(l.ctx, productIds, "", "id")
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to get product list")
for _, v := range productList {
req.MapProduct[v.Id] = struct{}{}
sizeList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductSize.GetAllByIds(l.ctx, sizeIds, "")
@ -238,13 +251,13 @@ func (l *GetCartsLogic) GetRelationInfo(req GetRelationInfoReq) error {
req.MapTemplate[v.Id] = v
priceList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductPrice.GetPriceListBySizeIds(l.ctx, sizeIds)
priceList, err := l.svcCtx.AllModels.FsProductPrice.GetPriceListByProductIdsSizeIds(l.ctx, productIds, sizeIds)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("failed to get cart`s product price list")
for _, v := range priceList {
req.MapSizePrice[*v.SizeId] = v
req.MapSizePrice[fmt.Sprintf("%d_%d", *v.ProductId, *v.SizeId)] = v
return nil
@ -50,16 +50,12 @@ type CartItem struct {
ItemPrice string `json:"item_price"` //单价
TotalPrice string `json:"total_price"` //单价X数量=总价
DiyInformation DiyInformation `json:"diy_information"` //diy信息
StepNum []StepNumItem `json:"step_num"` //阶梯数量
StepNum []int64 `json:"step_num"` //阶梯数量
PurchaseQuantity int64 `json:"purchase_quantity"` //当前购买数量
IsInvalid bool `json:"is_invalid"` //是否无效
InvalidDescription string `json:"invalid_description"` //无效原因
type StepNumItem struct {
PurchaseQuantity int64 `json:"purchase_quantity"` //数量
IsSelected bool `json:"is_selected"` //是否选中
type SizeInfo struct {
SizeId int64 `json:"size_id"` //尺寸id
Capacity string `json:"capacity"` //尺寸名称
@ -66,14 +66,11 @@ type CartItem {
ItemPrice string `json:"item_price"` //单价
TotalPrice string `json:"total_price"` //单价X数量=总价
DiyInformation DiyInformation `json:"diy_information"` //diy信息
StepNum []StepNumItem `json:"step_num"` //阶梯数量
StepNum []int64 `json:"step_num"` //阶梯数量
PurchaseQuantity int64 `json:"purchase_quantity"` //当前购买数量
IsInvalid bool `json:"is_invalid"` //是否无效
InvalidDescription string `json:"invalid_description"` //无效原因
type StepNumItem {
PurchaseQuantity int64 `json:"purchase_quantity"` //数量
IsSelected bool `json:"is_selected"` //是否选中
type SizeInfo {
SizeId int64 `json:"size_id"` //尺寸id
Capacity string `json:"capacity"` //尺寸名称
@ -15,10 +15,16 @@ type VerifyShoppingCartSnapshotDataChangeReq struct {
MapTemplate map[int64]gmodel.FsProductTemplateV2
MapCartChange map[int64]string
MapSnapshot map[int64]CartSnapshot
MapProduct map[int64]struct{}
func VerifyShoppingCartSnapshotDataChange(req VerifyShoppingCartSnapshotDataChangeReq) error {
for _, cartInfo := range req.Carts {
descrptionBuilder := strings.Builder{}
if _, ok := req.MapProduct[*cartInfo.ProductId]; !ok {
descrptionBuilder.WriteString("<p>the product is off shelf or deleted </p>")
var snapShotParseInfo CartSnapshot
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(*cartInfo.Snapshot), &snapShotParseInfo); err != nil {
return err
@ -30,7 +36,6 @@ func VerifyShoppingCartSnapshotDataChange(req VerifyShoppingCartSnapshotDataChan
snapshotModelJsonHash := hash.JsonHashKey(snapShotParseInfo.ModelInfo.ModelJson)
snapshotFittingJsonHash := hash.JsonHashKey(snapShotParseInfo.FittingInfo.FittingJson)
descrptionBuilder := strings.Builder{}
if *cartInfo.TemplateId > 0 {
if curTemplateInfo, ok := req.MapTemplate[*cartInfo.TemplateId]; !ok {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user