Running main() from [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExpectedCall FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar2(0, _)) invoked Stack trace: FILE:#: Expected mock function call. Function call: Bar2(0, 0) Returns: false Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.ExpectedCall [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExpectedCallToVoidFunction FILE:#: EXPECT_CALL(foo_, Bar3(0, _)) invoked Stack trace: FILE:#: Expected mock function call. Function call: Bar3(0, 0) Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.ExpectedCallToVoidFunction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExplicitActionsRunOut GMOCK WARNING: FILE:#: Too few actions specified. Expected to be called twice, but has only 1 WillOnce(). GMOCK WARNING: FILE:#: Actions ran out. Called 2 times, but only 1 WillOnce() is specified - returning default value. Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.ExplicitActionsRunOut [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCall unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(1, 0) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected arg #0: is equal to 0 Actual: 1 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCall [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallToVoidFunction unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning directly. Function call: Bar3(1, 0) Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected arg #0: is equal to 0 Actual: 1 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallToVoidFunction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCall FILE:#: Failure Mock function called more times than expected - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(0, 1) Returns: false Expected: to be called once Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCall [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallToVoidFunction FILE:#: Failure Mock function called more times than expected - returning directly. Function call: Bar3(0, 1) Expected: to be called once Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallToVoidFunction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCall GMOCK WARNING: Uninteresting mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(0, 1) Returns: false Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCall [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallToVoidFunction GMOCK WARNING: Uninteresting mock function call - returning directly. Function call: Bar3(0, 1) Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallToVoidFunction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.RetiredExpectation unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(1, 1) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 2 expectations, but none matched: FILE:#: tried expectation #0 Expected: the expectation is active Actual: it is retired Expected: to be called once Actual: called once - saturated and retired FILE:#: tried expectation #1 Expected arg #0: is equal to 0 Actual: 1 Expected arg #1: is equal to 0 Actual: 1 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.RetiredExpectation [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisite unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(1, 0) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 2 expectations, but none matched: FILE:#: tried expectation #0 Expected arg #0: is equal to 0 Actual: 1 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active FILE:#: tried expectation #1 Expected: all pre-requisites are satisfied Actual: the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied: FILE:#: pre-requisite #0 (end of pre-requisites) Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisite [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisites unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(1, 0) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 2 expectations, but none matched: FILE:#: tried expectation #0 Expected arg #0: is equal to 0 Actual: 1 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active FILE:#: tried expectation #1 Expected: all pre-requisites are satisfied Actual: the following immediate pre-requisites are not satisfied: FILE:#: pre-requisite #0 FILE:#: pre-requisite #1 (end of pre-requisites) Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisites [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedExpectation FILE:#: Failure Actual function call count doesn't match this expectation. Expected: to be called twice Actual: called once - unsatisfied and active FILE:#: Failure Actual function call count doesn't match this expectation. Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedExpectation [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArguments unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar(@0x# "Ho", 0, -0.1) Returns: '\0' Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected arg #0: references the variable @0x# "Hi" Actual: "Ho" (is located @0x#) Expected arg #2: is greater than or equal to 0 Actual: -0.1 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArguments [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchWithArguments unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(2, 3) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected: argument #0 is greater than or equal to argument #1 Actual: false Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchWithArguments [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArgumentsAndWithArguments unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - returning default value. Function call: Bar2(1, 3) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected arg #0: is greater than or equal to 2 Actual: 1 Expected: argument #0 is greater than or equal to argument #1 Actual: false Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArgumentsAndWithArguments [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Function call: Bar2(1, 0) Returns: false Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected arg #0: is equal to 2 Actual: 1 Expected arg #1: is equal to 2 Actual: 0 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active unknown file: Failure Unexpected mock function call - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Function call: Bar2(0, 0) Returns: true Google Mock tried the following 1 expectation, but it didn't match: FILE:#: Expected arg #0: is equal to 2 Actual: 0 Expected arg #1: is equal to 2 Actual: 0 Expected: to be called once Actual: never called - unsatisfied and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction FILE:#: Failure Mock function called more times than expected - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Function call: Bar2(2, 2) Returns: true Expected: to be called once Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active FILE:#: Failure Mock function called more times than expected - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Function call: Bar2(1, 1) Returns: false Expected: to be called once Actual: called twice - over-saturated and active [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallWithDefaultAction GMOCK WARNING: Uninteresting mock function call - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Function call: Bar2(2, 2) Returns: true Stack trace: GMOCK WARNING: Uninteresting mock function call - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Function call: Bar2(1, 1) Returns: false Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.UninterestingCallWithDefaultAction [ RUN ] GMockOutputTest.ExplicitActionsRunOutWithDefaultAction GMOCK WARNING: FILE:#: Too few actions specified. Expected to be called twice, but has only 1 WillOnce(). GMOCK WARNING: FILE:#: Actions ran out. Called 2 times, but only 1 WillOnce() is specified - taking default action specified at: FILE:#: Stack trace: [ OK ] GMockOutputTest.ExplicitActionsRunOutWithDefaultAction [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCall [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallToVoidFunction [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCall [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallToVoidFunction [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.RetiredExpectation [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisite [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedPrerequisites [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnsatisfiedExpectation [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArguments [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchWithArguments [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.MismatchArgumentsAndWithArguments [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.UnexpectedCallWithDefaultAction [ FAILED ] GMockOutputTest.ExcessiveCallWithDefaultAction