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"""Tests for the Pump meta-programming tool.""" from google3.testing.pybase import googletest import google3.third_party.googletest.googlemock.scripts.pump pump = google3.third_party.googletest.googlemock.scripts.pump Convert = pump.ConvertFromPumpSource StripMetaComments = pump.StripMetaComments class PumpTest(googletest.TestCase): def testConvertsEmptyToEmpty(self): self.assertEquals('', Convert('').strip()) def testConvertsPlainCodeToSame(self): self.assertEquals('#include <stdio.h>\n', Convert('#include <stdio.h>\n')) def testConvertsLongIWYUPragmaToSame(self): long_line = '// IWYU pragma: private, include "' + (80*'a') + '.h"\n' self.assertEquals(long_line, Convert(long_line)) def testConvertsIWYUPragmaWithLeadingSpaceToSame(self): long_line = ' // IWYU pragma: private, include "' + (80*'a') + '.h"\n' self.assertEquals(long_line, Convert(long_line)) def testConvertsIWYUPragmaWithSlashStarLeaderToSame(self): long_line = '/* IWYU pragma: private, include "' + (80*'a') + '.h"\n' self.assertEquals(long_line, Convert(long_line)) def testConvertsIWYUPragmaWithSlashStarAndSpacesToSame(self): long_line = ' /* IWYU pragma: private, include "' + (80*'a') + '.h"\n' self.assertEquals(long_line, Convert(long_line)) def testIgnoresMetaComment(self): self.assertEquals('', Convert('$$ This is a Pump meta comment.\n').strip()) def testSimpleVarDeclarationWorks(self): self.assertEquals('3\n', Convert('$var m = 3\n' '$m\n')) def testVarDeclarationCanReferenceEarlierVar(self): self.assertEquals('43 != 3;\n', Convert('$var a = 42\n' '$var b = a + 1\n' '$var c = (b - a)*3\n' '$b != $c;\n')) def testSimpleLoopWorks(self): self.assertEquals('1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$range i 1..n\n' '$for i, [[$i]]\n')) def testSimpleLoopWithCommentWorks(self): self.assertEquals('1, 2, 3, 4, 5\n', Convert('$var n = 5 $$ This is comment 1.\n' '$range i 1..n $$ This is comment 2.\n' '$for i, [[$i]]\n')) def testNonTrivialRangeExpressionsWork(self): self.assertEquals('1, 2, 3, 4\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$range i (n/n)..(n - 1)\n' '$for i, [[$i]]\n')) def testLoopWithoutSeparatorWorks(self): self.assertEquals('a + 1 + 2 + 3;\n', Convert('$range i 1..3\n' 'a$for i [[ + $i]];\n')) def testCanGenerateDollarSign(self): self.assertEquals('$\n', Convert('$($)\n')) def testCanIterpolateExpressions(self): self.assertEquals('a[2] = 3;\n', Convert('$var i = 1\n' 'a[$(i + 1)] = $(i*4 - 1);\n')) def testConditionalWithoutElseBranchWorks(self): self.assertEquals('true\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$if n > 0 [[true]]\n')) def testConditionalWithElseBranchWorks(self): self.assertEquals('true -- really false\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$if n > 0 [[true]]\n' '$else [[false]] -- \n' '$if n > 10 [[really true]]\n' '$else [[really false]]\n')) def testConditionalWithCascadingElseBranchWorks(self): self.assertEquals('a\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$if n > 0 [[a]]\n' '$elif n > 10 [[b]]\n' '$else [[c]]\n')) self.assertEquals('b\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$if n > 10 [[a]]\n' '$elif n > 0 [[b]]\n' '$else [[c]]\n')) self.assertEquals('c\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' '$if n > 10 [[a]]\n' '$elif n > 8 [[b]]\n' '$else [[c]]\n')) def testNestedLexicalBlocksWork(self): self.assertEquals('a = 5;\n', Convert('$var n = 5\n' 'a = [[$if n > 0 [[$n]]]];\n')) class StripMetaCommentsTest(googletest.TestCase): def testReturnsSameStringIfItContainsNoComment(self): self.assertEquals('', StripMetaComments('')) self.assertEquals(' blah ', StripMetaComments(' blah ')) self.assertEquals('A single $ is fine.', StripMetaComments('A single $ is fine.')) self.assertEquals('multiple\nlines', StripMetaComments('multiple\nlines')) def testStripsSimpleComment(self): self.assertEquals('yes\n', StripMetaComments('yes $$ or no?\n')) def testStripsSimpleCommentWithMissingNewline(self): self.assertEquals('yes', StripMetaComments('yes $$ or no?')) def testStripsPureCommentLinesEntirely(self): self.assertEquals('yes\n', StripMetaComments('$$ a pure comment line.\n' 'yes $$ or no?\n' ' $$ another comment line.\n')) def testStripsCommentsFromMultiLineText(self): self.assertEquals('multi-\n' 'line\n' 'text is fine.', StripMetaComments('multi- $$ comment 1\n' 'line\n' 'text is fine. $$ comment 2')) if __name__ == '__main__': googletest.main()