Merge branch 'master' into fix_death_test_child_mingw_wer_issue1116
This commit is contained in:
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ matrix:
- os: osx
compiler: gcc
if: type != pull_request
- os: osx
compiler: gcc
env: BUILD_TYPE=Release VERBOSE=1 CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11
@ -50,7 +49,6 @@ matrix:
if: type != pull_request
- os: osx
compiler: clang
env: BUILD_TYPE=Release VERBOSE=1 CXX_FLAGS=-std=c++11
if: type != pull_request
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ test_script:
if ($env:generator -eq "MinGW Makefiles") {
return # No test available for MinGW
& ctest -C $env:configuration --timeout 300 --output-on-failure
& ctest -C $env:configuration --timeout 600 --output-on-failure
if ($LastExitCode -ne 0) {
throw "Exec: $ErrorMessage"
@ -46,9 +46,10 @@
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-internal-utils.h"
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#if GTEST_HAS_STD_TYPE_TRAITS_ // Defined by gtest-port.h via gmock-port.h.
#if GTEST_LANG_CXX11 // Defined by gtest-port.h via gmock-port.h.
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
namespace testing {
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ struct BuiltInDefaultValueGetter<T, false> {
template <typename T>
class BuiltInDefaultValue {
// This function returns true iff type T has a built-in default value.
static bool Exists() {
return ::std::is_default_constructible<T>::value;
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ class BuiltInDefaultValue {
T, ::std::is_default_constructible<T>::value>::Get();
#else // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
// This function returns true iff type T has a built-in default value.
static bool Exists() {
return false;
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ class BuiltInDefaultValue {
return BuiltInDefaultValueGetter<T, false>::Get();
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
// This partial specialization says that we use the same built-in
@ -179,6 +179,35 @@ class MatcherInterface : public MatcherDescriberInterface {
// virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const;
namespace internal {
// Converts a MatcherInterface<T> to a MatcherInterface<const T&>.
template <typename T>
class MatcherInterfaceAdapter : public MatcherInterface<const T&> {
explicit MatcherInterfaceAdapter(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl)
: impl_(impl) {}
virtual ~MatcherInterfaceAdapter() { delete impl_; }
virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const { impl_->DescribeTo(os); }
virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(const T& x,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
return impl_->MatchAndExplain(x, listener);
const MatcherInterface<T>* const impl_;
} // namespace internal
// A match result listener that stores the explanation in a string.
class StringMatchResultListener : public MatchResultListener {
@ -252,7 +281,8 @@ class MatcherBase {
// Returns true iff the matcher matches x; also explains the match
// result to 'listener'.
bool MatchAndExplain(T x, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
bool MatchAndExplain(GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T) x,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
return impl_->MatchAndExplain(x, listener);
@ -290,6 +320,14 @@ class MatcherBase {
explicit MatcherBase(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl)
: impl_(impl) {}
template <typename U>
explicit MatcherBase(
const MatcherInterface<U>* impl,
typename internal::EnableIf<
!internal::IsSame<U, GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(U)>::value>::type* =
: impl_(new internal::MatcherInterfaceAdapter<U>(impl)) {}
virtual ~MatcherBase() {}
@ -323,7 +361,13 @@ class Matcher : public internal::MatcherBase<T> {
explicit Matcher() {} // NOLINT
// Constructs a matcher from its implementation.
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<T>* impl)
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(T)>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<T>(impl) {}
template <typename U>
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<U>* impl,
typename internal::EnableIf<!internal::IsSame<
U, GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(U)>::value>::type* = NULL)
: internal::MatcherBase<T>(impl) {}
// Implicit constructor here allows people to write
@ -332,64 +376,79 @@ class Matcher : public internal::MatcherBase<T> {
// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a string
// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a std::string
// matcher is expected.
template <>
class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const internal::string&>
: public internal::MatcherBase<const internal::string&> {
class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const std::string&>
: public internal::MatcherBase<const std::string&> {
Matcher() {}
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const internal::string&>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<const internal::string&>(impl) {}
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const std::string&>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<const std::string&>(impl) {}
// Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
// str is a string object.
Matcher(const internal::string& s); // NOLINT
// str is a std::string object.
Matcher(const std::string& s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
// str is a ::string object.
Matcher(const ::string& s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
Matcher(const char* s); // NOLINT
template <>
class GTEST_API_ Matcher<internal::string>
: public internal::MatcherBase<internal::string> {
class GTEST_API_ Matcher<std::string>
: public internal::MatcherBase<std::string> {
Matcher() {}
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<internal::string>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<internal::string>(impl) {}
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<std::string>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<std::string>(impl) {}
// Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
// str is a string object.
Matcher(const internal::string& s); // NOLINT
Matcher(const std::string& s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
// str is a ::string object.
Matcher(const ::string& s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
Matcher(const char* s); // NOLINT
// The following two specializations allow the user to write str
// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a StringPiece
// instead of Eq(str) and "foo" instead of Eq("foo") when a ::string
// matcher is expected.
template <>
class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const StringPiece&>
: public internal::MatcherBase<const StringPiece&> {
class GTEST_API_ Matcher<const ::string&>
: public internal::MatcherBase<const ::string&> {
Matcher() {}
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const StringPiece&>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<const StringPiece&>(impl) {}
explicit Matcher(const MatcherInterface<const ::string&>* impl)
: internal::MatcherBase<const ::string&>(impl) {}
// Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
// str is a string object.
Matcher(const internal::string& s); // NOLINT
// str is a std::string object.
Matcher(const std::string& s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to write str instead of Eq(str) sometimes, where
// str is a ::string object.
Matcher(const ::string& s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to write "foo" instead of Eq("foo") sometimes.
Matcher(const char* s); // NOLINT
// Allows the user to pass StringPieces directly.
Matcher(StringPiece s); // NOLINT
template <>
@ -530,21 +589,18 @@ class MatcherCastImpl {
return CastImpl(
internal::ImplicitlyConvertible<M, Matcher<T> >::value>());
internal::ImplicitlyConvertible<M, Matcher<T> >::value>(),
internal::ImplicitlyConvertible<M, T>::value>());
static Matcher<T> CastImpl(const M& value, BooleanConstant<false>) {
// M can't be implicitly converted to Matcher<T>, so M isn't a polymorphic
// matcher. It must be a value then. Use direct initialization to create
// a matcher.
return Matcher<T>(ImplicitCast_<T>(value));
template <bool Ignore>
static Matcher<T> CastImpl(const M& polymorphic_matcher_or_value,
BooleanConstant<true>) {
BooleanConstant<true> /* convertible_to_matcher */,
BooleanConstant<Ignore>) {
// M is implicitly convertible to Matcher<T>, which means that either
// M is a polymorhpic matcher or Matcher<T> has an implicit constructor
// M is a polymorphic matcher or Matcher<T> has an implicit constructor
// from M. In both cases using the implicit conversion will produce a
// matcher.
@ -553,6 +609,29 @@ class MatcherCastImpl {
// (first to create T from M and then to create Matcher<T> from T).
return polymorphic_matcher_or_value;
// M can't be implicitly converted to Matcher<T>, so M isn't a polymorphic
// matcher. It's a value of a type implicitly convertible to T. Use direct
// initialization to create a matcher.
static Matcher<T> CastImpl(
const M& value, BooleanConstant<false> /* convertible_to_matcher */,
BooleanConstant<true> /* convertible_to_T */) {
return Matcher<T>(ImplicitCast_<T>(value));
// M can't be implicitly converted to either Matcher<T> or T. Attempt to use
// polymorphic matcher Eq(value) in this case.
// Note that we first attempt to perform an implicit cast on the value and
// only fall back to the polymorphic Eq() matcher afterwards because the
// latter calls bool operator==(const Lhs& lhs, const Rhs& rhs) in the end
// which might be undefined even when Rhs is implicitly convertible to Lhs
// (e.g. std::pair<const int, int> vs. std::pair<int, int>).
// We don't define this method inline as we need the declaration of Eq().
static Matcher<T> CastImpl(
const M& value, BooleanConstant<false> /* convertible_to_matcher */,
BooleanConstant<false> /* convertible_to_T */);
// This more specialized version is used when MatcherCast()'s argument
@ -573,6 +652,22 @@ class MatcherCastImpl<T, Matcher<U> > {
// We delegate the matching logic to the source matcher.
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(T x, MatchResultListener* listener) const {
using FromType = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_pointer<
typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::type>::type;
using ToType = typename std::remove_cv<typename std::remove_pointer<
typename std::remove_reference<U>::type>::type>::type;
// Do not allow implicitly converting base*/& to derived*/&.
// Do not trigger if only one of them is a pointer. That implies a
// regular conversion and not a down_cast.
(std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>::value !=
std::is_pointer<typename std::remove_reference<U>::type>::value) ||
std::is_same<FromType, ToType>::value ||
!std::is_base_of<FromType, ToType>::value,
"Can't implicitly convert from <base> to <derived>");
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
return source_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(static_cast<U>(x), listener);
@ -1340,7 +1435,7 @@ class MatchesRegexMatcher {
// Matches anything that can convert to std::string.
// This is a template, not just a plain function with const std::string&,
// because StringPiece has some interfering non-explicit constructors.
// because absl::string_view has some interfering non-explicit constructors.
template <class MatcheeStringType>
bool MatchAndExplain(const MatcheeStringType& s,
MatchResultListener* /* listener */) const {
@ -2036,6 +2131,82 @@ class FloatingEqMatcher {
// A 2-tuple ("binary") wrapper around FloatingEqMatcher:
// FloatingEq2Matcher() matches (x, y) by matching FloatingEqMatcher(x, false)
// against y, and FloatingEq2Matcher(e) matches FloatingEqMatcher(x, false, e)
// against y. The former implements "Eq", the latter "Near". At present, there
// is no version that compares NaNs as equal.
template <typename FloatType>
class FloatingEq2Matcher {
FloatingEq2Matcher() { Init(-1, false); }
explicit FloatingEq2Matcher(bool nan_eq_nan) { Init(-1, nan_eq_nan); }
explicit FloatingEq2Matcher(FloatType max_abs_error) {
Init(max_abs_error, false);
FloatingEq2Matcher(FloatType max_abs_error, bool nan_eq_nan) {
Init(max_abs_error, nan_eq_nan);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
operator Matcher< ::testing::tuple<T1, T2> >() const {
return MakeMatcher(
new Impl< ::testing::tuple<T1, T2> >(max_abs_error_, nan_eq_nan_));
template <typename T1, typename T2>
operator Matcher<const ::testing::tuple<T1, T2>&>() const {
return MakeMatcher(
new Impl<const ::testing::tuple<T1, T2>&>(max_abs_error_, nan_eq_nan_));
static ::std::ostream& GetDesc(::std::ostream& os) { // NOLINT
return os << "an almost-equal pair";
template <typename Tuple>
class Impl : public MatcherInterface<Tuple> {
Impl(FloatType max_abs_error, bool nan_eq_nan) :
nan_eq_nan_(nan_eq_nan) {}
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(Tuple args,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
if (max_abs_error_ == -1) {
FloatingEqMatcher<FloatType> fm(::testing::get<0>(args), nan_eq_nan_);
return static_cast<Matcher<FloatType> >(fm).MatchAndExplain(
::testing::get<1>(args), listener);
} else {
FloatingEqMatcher<FloatType> fm(::testing::get<0>(args), nan_eq_nan_,
return static_cast<Matcher<FloatType> >(fm).MatchAndExplain(
::testing::get<1>(args), listener);
virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "are " << GetDesc;
virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "aren't " << GetDesc;
FloatType max_abs_error_;
const bool nan_eq_nan_;
void Init(FloatType max_abs_error_val, bool nan_eq_nan_val) {
max_abs_error_ = max_abs_error_val;
nan_eq_nan_ = nan_eq_nan_val;
FloatType max_abs_error_;
bool nan_eq_nan_;
// Implements the Pointee(m) matcher for matching a pointer whose
// pointee matches matcher m. The pointer can be either raw or smart.
template <typename InnerMatcher>
@ -2181,15 +2352,21 @@ class FieldMatcher {
FieldMatcher(FieldType Class::*field,
const Matcher<const FieldType&>& matcher)
: field_(field), matcher_(matcher) {}
: field_(field), matcher_(matcher), whose_field_("whose given field ") {}
FieldMatcher(const std::string& field_name, FieldType Class::*field,
const Matcher<const FieldType&>& matcher)
: field_(field),
whose_field_("whose field `" + field_name + "` ") {}
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "is an object whose given field ";
*os << "is an object " << whose_field_;
void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "is an object whose given field ";
*os << "is an object " << whose_field_;
@ -2207,7 +2384,7 @@ class FieldMatcher {
// true_type iff the Field() matcher is used to match a pointer.
bool MatchAndExplainImpl(false_type /* is_not_pointer */, const Class& obj,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
*listener << "whose given field is ";
*listener << whose_field_ << "is ";
return MatchPrintAndExplain(obj.*field_, matcher_, listener);
@ -2226,6 +2403,10 @@ class FieldMatcher {
const FieldType Class::*field_;
const Matcher<const FieldType&> matcher_;
// Contains either "whose given field " if the name of the field is unknown
// or "whose field `name_of_field` " if the name is known.
const std::string whose_field_;
@ -2244,15 +2425,23 @@ class PropertyMatcher {
typedef GTEST_REFERENCE_TO_CONST_(PropertyType) RefToConstProperty;
PropertyMatcher(Property property, const Matcher<RefToConstProperty>& matcher)
: property_(property), matcher_(matcher) {}
: property_(property),
whose_property_("whose given property ") {}
PropertyMatcher(const std::string& property_name, Property property,
const Matcher<RefToConstProperty>& matcher)
: property_(property),
whose_property_("whose property `" + property_name + "` ") {}
void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "is an object whose given property ";
*os << "is an object " << whose_property_;
void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "is an object whose given property ";
*os << "is an object " << whose_property_;
@ -2270,7 +2459,7 @@ class PropertyMatcher {
// true_type iff the Property() matcher is used to match a pointer.
bool MatchAndExplainImpl(false_type /* is_not_pointer */, const Class& obj,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
*listener << "whose given property is ";
*listener << whose_property_ << "is ";
// Cannot pass the return value (for example, int) to MatchPrintAndExplain,
// which takes a non-const reference as argument.
#if defined(_PREFAST_ ) && _MSC_VER == 1800
@ -2299,6 +2488,10 @@ class PropertyMatcher {
Property property_;
const Matcher<RefToConstProperty> matcher_;
// Contains either "whose given property " if the name of the property is
// unknown or "whose property `name_of_property` " if the name is known.
const std::string whose_property_;
@ -2692,6 +2885,10 @@ class WhenSortedByMatcher {
// container and the RHS container respectively.
template <typename TupleMatcher, typename RhsContainer>
class PointwiseMatcher {
typedef internal::StlContainerView<RhsContainer> RhsView;
typedef typename RhsView::type RhsStlContainer;
@ -2709,6 +2906,10 @@ class PointwiseMatcher {
template <typename LhsContainer>
operator Matcher<LhsContainer>() const {
return MakeMatcher(new Impl<LhsContainer>(tuple_matcher_, rhs_));
@ -2759,12 +2960,15 @@ class PointwiseMatcher {
typename LhsStlContainer::const_iterator left = lhs_stl_container.begin();
typename RhsStlContainer::const_iterator right = rhs_.begin();
for (size_t i = 0; i != actual_size; ++i, ++left, ++right) {
const InnerMatcherArg value_pair(*left, *right);
if (listener->IsInterested()) {
StringMatchResultListener inner_listener;
// Create InnerMatcherArg as a temporarily object to avoid it outlives
// *left and *right. Dereference or the conversion to `const T&` may
// return temp objects, e.g for vector<bool>.
if (!mono_tuple_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(
value_pair, &inner_listener)) {
InnerMatcherArg(ImplicitCast_<const LhsValue&>(*left),
ImplicitCast_<const RhsValue&>(*right)),
&inner_listener)) {
*listener << "where the value pair (";
UniversalPrint(*left, listener->stream());
*listener << ", ";
@ -2774,7 +2978,9 @@ class PointwiseMatcher {
return false;
} else {
if (!mono_tuple_matcher_.Matches(value_pair))
if (!mono_tuple_matcher_.Matches(
InnerMatcherArg(ImplicitCast_<const LhsValue&>(*left),
ImplicitCast_<const RhsValue&>(*right))))
return false;
@ -2932,6 +3138,50 @@ class EachMatcher {
struct Rank1 {};
struct Rank0 : Rank1 {};
namespace pair_getters {
using std::get;
template <typename T>
auto First(T& x, Rank1) -> decltype(get<0>(x)) { // NOLINT
return get<0>(x);
template <typename T>
auto First(T& x, Rank0) -> decltype((x.first)) { // NOLINT
return x.first;
template <typename T>
auto Second(T& x, Rank1) -> decltype(get<1>(x)) { // NOLINT
return get<1>(x);
template <typename T>
auto Second(T& x, Rank0) -> decltype((x.second)) { // NOLINT
return x.second;
template <typename T>
typename T::first_type& First(T& x, Rank0) { // NOLINT
return x.first;
template <typename T>
const typename T::first_type& First(const T& x, Rank0) {
return x.first;
template <typename T>
typename T::second_type& Second(T& x, Rank0) { // NOLINT
return x.second;
template <typename T>
const typename T::second_type& Second(const T& x, Rank0) {
return x.second;
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
} // namespace pair_getters
// Implements Key(inner_matcher) for the given argument pair type.
// Key(inner_matcher) matches an std::pair whose 'first' field matches
// inner_matcher. For example, Contains(Key(Ge(5))) can be used to match an
@ -2952,8 +3202,8 @@ class KeyMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<PairType> {
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(PairType key_value,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
StringMatchResultListener inner_listener;
const bool match = inner_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(key_value.first,
const bool match = inner_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(
pair_getters::First(key_value, Rank0()), &inner_listener);
const std::string explanation = inner_listener.str();
if (explanation != "") {
*listener << "whose first field is a value " << explanation;
@ -3036,18 +3286,18 @@ class PairMatcherImpl : public MatcherInterface<PairType> {
if (!listener->IsInterested()) {
// If the listener is not interested, we don't need to construct the
// explanation.
return first_matcher_.Matches(a_pair.first) &&
return first_matcher_.Matches(pair_getters::First(a_pair, Rank0())) &&
second_matcher_.Matches(pair_getters::Second(a_pair, Rank0()));
StringMatchResultListener first_inner_listener;
if (!first_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(a_pair.first,
if (!first_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(pair_getters::First(a_pair, Rank0()),
&first_inner_listener)) {
*listener << "whose first field does not match";
PrintIfNotEmpty(first_inner_listener.str(), listener->stream());
return false;
StringMatchResultListener second_inner_listener;
if (!second_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(a_pair.second,
if (!second_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(pair_getters::Second(a_pair, Rank0()),
&second_inner_listener)) {
*listener << "whose second field does not match";
PrintIfNotEmpty(second_inner_listener.str(), listener->stream());
@ -3494,6 +3744,11 @@ class ElementsAreMatcher {
template <typename Container>
operator Matcher<Container>() const {
!IsHashTable<GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Container)>::value ||
::testing::tuple_size<MatcherTuple>::value < 2,
typedef GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Container) RawContainer;
typedef typename internal::StlContainerView<RawContainer>::type View;
typedef typename View::value_type Element;
@ -3542,6 +3797,10 @@ class ElementsAreArrayMatcher {
template <typename Container>
operator Matcher<Container>() const {
return MakeMatcher(new ElementsAreMatcherImpl<Container>(
matchers_.begin(), matchers_.end()));
@ -3636,6 +3895,61 @@ GTEST_API_ std::string FormatMatcherDescription(bool negation,
const char* matcher_name,
const Strings& param_values);
// Implements a matcher that checks the value of a optional<> type variable.
template <typename ValueMatcher>
class OptionalMatcher {
explicit OptionalMatcher(const ValueMatcher& value_matcher)
: value_matcher_(value_matcher) {}
template <typename Optional>
operator Matcher<Optional>() const {
return MakeMatcher(new Impl<Optional>(value_matcher_));
template <typename Optional>
class Impl : public MatcherInterface<Optional> {
typedef GTEST_REMOVE_REFERENCE_AND_CONST_(Optional) OptionalView;
typedef typename OptionalView::value_type ValueType;
explicit Impl(const ValueMatcher& value_matcher)
: value_matcher_(MatcherCast<ValueType>(value_matcher)) {}
virtual void DescribeTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "value ";
virtual void DescribeNegationTo(::std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "value ";
virtual bool MatchAndExplain(Optional optional,
MatchResultListener* listener) const {
if (!optional) {
*listener << "which is not engaged";
return false;
const ValueType& value = *optional;
StringMatchResultListener value_listener;
const bool match = value_matcher_.MatchAndExplain(value, &value_listener);
*listener << "whose value " << PrintToString(value)
<< (match ? " matches" : " doesn't match");
PrintIfNotEmpty(value_listener.str(), listener->stream());
return match;
const Matcher<ValueType> value_matcher_;
const ValueMatcher value_matcher_;
namespace variant_matcher {
// Overloads to allow VariantMatcher to do proper ADL lookup.
template <typename T>
@ -3684,7 +3998,7 @@ class VariantMatcher {
static string GetTypeName() {
static std::string GetTypeName() {
return internal::GetTypeName<T>();
@ -3696,6 +4010,65 @@ class VariantMatcher {
} // namespace variant_matcher
namespace any_cast_matcher {
// Overloads to allow AnyCastMatcher to do proper ADL lookup.
template <typename T>
void any_cast() {}
// Implements a matcher that any_casts the value.
template <typename T>
class AnyCastMatcher {
explicit AnyCastMatcher(const ::testing::Matcher<const T&>& matcher)
: matcher_(matcher) {}
template <typename AnyType>
bool MatchAndExplain(const AnyType& value,
::testing::MatchResultListener* listener) const {
if (!listener->IsInterested()) {
const T* ptr = any_cast<T>(&value);
return ptr != NULL && matcher_.Matches(*ptr);
const T* elem = any_cast<T>(&value);
if (elem == NULL) {
*listener << "whose value is not of type '" << GetTypeName() << "'";
return false;
StringMatchResultListener elem_listener;
const bool match = matcher_.MatchAndExplain(*elem, &elem_listener);
*listener << "whose value " << PrintToString(*elem)
<< (match ? " matches" : " doesn't match");
PrintIfNotEmpty(elem_listener.str(), listener->stream());
return match;
void DescribeTo(std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "is an 'any' type with value of type '" << GetTypeName()
<< "' and the value ";
void DescribeNegationTo(std::ostream* os) const {
*os << "is an 'any' type with value of type other than '" << GetTypeName()
<< "' or the value ";
static std::string GetTypeName() {
return internal::GetTypeName<T>();
return "the element type";
const ::testing::Matcher<const T&> matcher_;
} // namespace any_cast_matcher
} // namespace internal
// ElementsAreArray(iterator_first, iterator_last)
@ -3827,6 +4200,14 @@ inline internal::EqMatcher<T> Eq(T x) { return internal::EqMatcher<T>(x); }
template <typename T>
Matcher<T>::Matcher(T value) { *this = Eq(value); }
template <typename T, typename M>
Matcher<T> internal::MatcherCastImpl<T, M>::CastImpl(
const M& value,
internal::BooleanConstant<false> /* convertible_to_matcher */,
internal::BooleanConstant<false> /* convertible_to_T */) {
return Eq(value);
// Creates a monomorphic matcher that matches anything with type Lhs
// and equal to rhs. A user may need to use this instead of Eq(...)
// in order to resolve an overloading ambiguity.
@ -3985,6 +4366,16 @@ inline PolymorphicMatcher<
// to compile where bar is an int32 and m is a matcher for int64.
// Same as Field() but also takes the name of the field to provide better error
// messages.
template <typename Class, typename FieldType, typename FieldMatcher>
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType> > Field(
const std::string& field_name, FieldType Class::*field,
const FieldMatcher& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::FieldMatcher<Class, FieldType>(
field_name, field, MatcherCast<const FieldType&>(matcher)));
// Creates a matcher that matches an object whose given property
// matches 'matcher'. For example,
// Property(&Foo::str, StartsWith("hi"))
@ -4005,6 +4396,21 @@ Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const,
// to compile where bar() returns an int32 and m is a matcher for int64.
// Same as Property() above, but also takes the name of the property to provide
// better error messages.
template <typename Class, typename PropertyType, typename PropertyMatcher>
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::PropertyMatcher<
Class, PropertyType, PropertyType (Class::*)() const> >
Property(const std::string& property_name,
PropertyType (Class::*property)() const,
const PropertyMatcher& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::PropertyMatcher<Class, PropertyType,
PropertyType (Class::*)() const>(
property_name, property,
// The same as above but for reference-qualified member functions.
template <typename Class, typename PropertyType, typename PropertyMatcher>
@ -4033,6 +4439,7 @@ Property(PropertyType (Class::*property)() const &,
// concurrent access.
// * If it is a function object, it has to define type result_type.
// We recommend deriving your functor classes from std::unary_function.
template <typename Callable, typename ResultOfMatcher>
internal::ResultOfMatcher<Callable> ResultOf(
Callable callable, const ResultOfMatcher& matcher) {
@ -4123,53 +4530,53 @@ inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::MatchesRegexMatcher> ContainsRegex(
// Wide string matchers.
// Matches a string equal to str.
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring> >
StrEq(const internal::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring>(
str, true, true));
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> > StrEq(
const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, true, true));
// Matches a string not equal to str.
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring> >
StrNe(const internal::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring>(
str, false, true));
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> > StrNe(
const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, false, true));
// Matches a string equal to str, ignoring case.
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring> >
StrCaseEq(const internal::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring>(
str, true, false));
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> >
StrCaseEq(const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, true, false));
// Matches a string not equal to str, ignoring case.
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring> >
StrCaseNe(const internal::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::StrEqualityMatcher<internal::wstring>(
str, false, false));
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring> >
StrCaseNe(const std::wstring& str) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
internal::StrEqualityMatcher<std::wstring>(str, false, false));
// Creates a matcher that matches any wstring, std::wstring, or C wide string
// Creates a matcher that matches any ::wstring, std::wstring, or C wide string
// that contains the given substring.
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<internal::wstring> >
HasSubstr(const internal::wstring& substring) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::HasSubstrMatcher<internal::wstring>(
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::HasSubstrMatcher<std::wstring> > HasSubstr(
const std::wstring& substring) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
// Matches a string that starts with 'prefix' (case-sensitive).
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<internal::wstring> >
StartsWith(const internal::wstring& prefix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::StartsWithMatcher<internal::wstring>(
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::StartsWithMatcher<std::wstring> >
StartsWith(const std::wstring& prefix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
// Matches a string that ends with 'suffix' (case-sensitive).
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<internal::wstring> >
EndsWith(const internal::wstring& suffix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(internal::EndsWithMatcher<internal::wstring>(
inline PolymorphicMatcher<internal::EndsWithMatcher<std::wstring> > EndsWith(
const std::wstring& suffix) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
@ -4198,6 +4605,58 @@ inline internal::Lt2Matcher Lt() { return internal::Lt2Matcher(); }
// first field != the second field.
inline internal::Ne2Matcher Ne() { return internal::Ne2Matcher(); }
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// FloatEq(first field) matches the second field.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float> FloatEq() {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float>();
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// DoubleEq(first field) matches the second field.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double> DoubleEq() {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double>();
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// FloatEq(first field) matches the second field with NaN equality.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float> NanSensitiveFloatEq() {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float>(true);
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// DoubleEq(first field) matches the second field with NaN equality.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double> NanSensitiveDoubleEq() {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double>(true);
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// FloatNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float> FloatNear(float max_abs_error) {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float>(max_abs_error);
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// DoubleNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double> DoubleNear(double max_abs_error) {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double>(max_abs_error);
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// FloatNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field with NaN
// equality.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float> NanSensitiveFloatNear(
float max_abs_error) {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<float>(max_abs_error, true);
// Creates a polymorphic matcher that matches a 2-tuple where
// DoubleNear(first field, max_abs_error) matches the second field with NaN
// equality.
inline internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double> NanSensitiveDoubleNear(
double max_abs_error) {
return internal::FloatingEq2Matcher<double>(max_abs_error, true);
// Creates a matcher that matches any value of type T that m doesn't
// match.
template <typename InnerMatcher>
@ -4575,6 +5034,28 @@ inline bool ExplainMatchResult(
return SafeMatcherCast<const T&>(matcher).MatchAndExplain(value, listener);
// Returns a string representation of the given matcher. Useful for description
// strings of matchers defined using MATCHER_P* macros that accept matchers as
// their arguments. For example:
// MATCHER_P(XAndYThat, matcher,
// "X that " + DescribeMatcher<int>(matcher, negation) +
// " and Y that " + DescribeMatcher<double>(matcher, negation)) {
// return ExplainMatchResult(matcher, arg.x(), result_listener) &&
// ExplainMatchResult(matcher, arg.y(), result_listener);
// }
template <typename T, typename M>
std::string DescribeMatcher(const M& matcher, bool negation = false) {
::std::stringstream ss;
Matcher<T> monomorphic_matcher = SafeMatcherCast<T>(matcher);
if (negation) {
} else {
return ss.str();
// Define variadic matcher versions. They are overloaded in
// gmock-generated-matchers.h for the cases supported by pre C++11 compilers.
@ -4600,6 +5081,28 @@ inline internal::AnyOfMatcher<Args...> AnyOf(const Args&... matchers) {
template <typename InnerMatcher>
inline InnerMatcher AllArgs(const InnerMatcher& matcher) { return matcher; }
// Returns a matcher that matches the value of an optional<> type variable.
// The matcher implementation only uses '!arg' and requires that the optional<>
// type has a 'value_type' member type and that '*arg' is of type 'value_type'
// and is printable using 'PrintToString'. It is compatible with
// std::optional/std::experimental::optional.
// Note that to compare an optional type variable against nullopt you should
// use Eq(nullopt) and not Optional(Eq(nullopt)). The latter implies that the
// optional value contains an optional itself.
template <typename ValueMatcher>
inline internal::OptionalMatcher<ValueMatcher> Optional(
const ValueMatcher& value_matcher) {
return internal::OptionalMatcher<ValueMatcher>(value_matcher);
// Returns a matcher that matches the value of a absl::any type variable.
template <typename T>
PolymorphicMatcher<internal::any_cast_matcher::AnyCastMatcher<T> > AnyWith(
const Matcher<const T&>& matcher) {
return MakePolymorphicMatcher(
// Returns a matcher that matches the value of a variant<> type variable.
// The matcher implementation uses ADL to find the holds_alternative and get
// functions.
@ -4626,4 +5129,5 @@ PolymorphicMatcher<internal::variant_matcher::VariantMatcher<T> > VariantWith(
// We must include this header at the end to make sure it can use the
// declarations from this file.
#include "gmock/internal/custom/gmock-matchers.h"
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
// Adds google3 callback support to CallableTraits.
@ -117,9 +117,11 @@ struct LinkedPtrLessThan {
// To gcc,
// wchar_t == signed wchar_t != unsigned wchar_t == unsigned int
#ifdef __GNUC__
#if !defined(__WCHAR_UNSIGNED__)
// signed/unsigned wchar_t are valid types.
// In what follows, we use the term "kind" to indicate whether a type
// is bool, an integer type (excluding bool), a floating-point type,
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ GTEST_API_ std::string JoinAsTuple(const Strings& fields) {
// words. Each maximum substring of the form [A-Za-z][a-z]*|\d+ is
// treated as one word. For example, both "FooBar123" and
// "foo_bar_123" are converted to "foo bar 123".
GTEST_API_ string ConvertIdentifierNameToWords(const char* id_name) {
string result;
GTEST_API_ std::string ConvertIdentifierNameToWords(const char* id_name) {
std::string result;
char prev_char = '\0';
for (const char* p = id_name; *p != '\0'; prev_char = *(p++)) {
// We don't care about the current locale as the input is
@ -188,5 +188,15 @@ GTEST_API_ void Log(LogSeverity severity, const std::string& message,
std::cout << ::std::flush;
void IllegalDoDefault(const char* file, int line) {
false, file, line,
"You are using DoDefault() inside a composite action like "
"DoAll() or WithArgs(). This is not supported for technical "
"reasons. Please instead spell out the default action, or "
"assign the default action to an Action variable and use "
"the variable in various places.");
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing
@ -44,60 +44,67 @@
namespace testing {
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const string& whose value is
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const internal::string&>::Matcher(const internal::string& s) {
*this = Eq(s);
Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) {
*this = Eq(static_cast<std::string>(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const std::string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const std::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
*this = Eq(std::string(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const internal::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
*this = Eq(internal::string(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
// s.
Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const std::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
// s.
Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const ::string& s) {
*this = Eq(static_cast<std::string>(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a std::string whose value is equal to
// s.
Matcher<std::string>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(std::string(s)); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
*this = Eq(static_cast<::string>(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const ::string& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const ::string&>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(::string(s)); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a ::string whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const std::string& s) {
*this = Eq(static_cast<::string>(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a ::string whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const ::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a string whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<internal::string>::Matcher(const internal::string& s) { *this = Eq(s); }
Matcher<::string>::Matcher(const char* s) { *this = Eq(::string(s)); }
// Constructs a matcher that matches a string whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<internal::string>::Matcher(const char* s) {
*this = Eq(internal::string(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const StringPiece& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const StringPiece&>::Matcher(const internal::string& s) {
*this = Eq(s);
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const StringPiece& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const StringPiece&>::Matcher(const char* s) {
*this = Eq(internal::string(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a const StringPiece& whose value is
// equal to s.
Matcher<const StringPiece&>::Matcher(StringPiece s) {
*this = Eq(s.ToString());
// Constructs a matcher that matches a StringPiece whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<StringPiece>::Matcher(const internal::string& s) {
*this = Eq(s);
// Constructs a matcher that matches a StringPiece whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<StringPiece>::Matcher(const char* s) {
*this = Eq(internal::string(s));
// Constructs a matcher that matches a StringPiece whose value is equal to s.
Matcher<StringPiece>::Matcher(StringPiece s) {
*this = Eq(s.ToString());
namespace internal {
@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ static bool ParseGoogleMockIntFlag(const char* str, const char* flag,
if (value_str == NULL) return false;
// Sets *value to the value of the flag.
*value = atoi(value_str);
return true;
return ParseInt32(Message() << "The value of flag --" << flag,
value_str, value);
// The internal implementation of InitGoogleMock().
@ -107,7 +107,11 @@ TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, IsZeroForNumericTypes) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed wchar_t>::Get());
#if !defined(__WCHAR_UNSIGNED__)
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<wchar_t>::Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<wchar_t>::Get());
EXPECT_EQ(0U, BuiltInDefaultValue<unsigned short>::Get()); // NOLINT
EXPECT_EQ(0, BuiltInDefaultValue<signed short>::Get()); // NOLINT
@ -214,7 +218,7 @@ class MyNonDefaultConstructible {
int value_;
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, ExistsForDefaultConstructibleType) {
@ -224,7 +228,7 @@ TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, IsDefaultConstructedForDefaultConstructibleType) {
EXPECT_EQ(42, BuiltInDefaultValue<MyDefaultConstructible>::Get().value());
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
TEST(BuiltInDefaultValueTest, DoesNotExistForNonDefaultConstructibleType) {
@ -44,7 +44,15 @@
#include "gmock/internal/gmock-port.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
// Indicates that this translation unit is part of Google Test's
// implementation. It must come before gtest-internal-inl.h is
// included, or there will be a compiler error. This trick is to
// prevent a user from accidentally including gtest-internal-inl.h in
// their code.
#include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
# include <sys/types.h> // For ssize_t. NOLINT
@ -61,6 +69,26 @@ namespace internal {
namespace {
TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsEmptyTuple) {
EXPECT_EQ("", JoinAsTuple(Strings()));
TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsOneTuple) {
const char* fields[] = {"1"};
EXPECT_EQ("1", JoinAsTuple(Strings(fields, fields + 1)));
TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsTwoTuple) {
const char* fields[] = {"1", "a"};
EXPECT_EQ("(1, a)", JoinAsTuple(Strings(fields, fields + 2)));
TEST(JoinAsTupleTest, JoinsTenTuple) {
const char* fields[] = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10"};
EXPECT_EQ("(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)",
JoinAsTuple(Strings(fields, fields + 10)));
TEST(ConvertIdentifierNameToWordsTest, WorksWhenNameContainsNoWord) {
EXPECT_EQ("", ConvertIdentifierNameToWords(""));
EXPECT_EQ("", ConvertIdentifierNameToWords("_"));
@ -90,8 +90,10 @@
// Field
// Property
// ResultOf(function)
// ResultOf(callback)
// Pointee
// Truly(predicate)
// AddressSatisfies
// AllOf
// AnyOf
// Not
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ using testing::NaggyMock;
using testing::Ref;
using testing::Return;
using testing::Sequence;
using testing::Value;
class MockFoo {
@ -268,6 +269,10 @@ TEST_F(GMockOutputTest, CatchesLeakedMocks) {
// Both foo1 and foo2 are deliberately leaked.
MATCHER_P2(IsPair, first, second, "") {
return Value(arg.first, first) && Value(arg.second, second);
void TestCatchesLeakedMocksInAdHocTests() {
MockFoo* foo = new MockFoo;
@ -280,7 +285,6 @@ void TestCatchesLeakedMocksInAdHocTests() {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
testing::InitGoogleMock(&argc, argv);
// Ensures that the tests pass no matter what value of
// --gmock_catch_leaked_mocks and --gmock_verbose the user specifies.
testing::GMOCK_FLAG(catch_leaked_mocks) = true;
@ -1371,8 +1371,6 @@ internal::CartesianProductHolder10<Generator1, Generator2, Generator3,
# define TEST_P(test_case_name, test_name) \
class GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) \
: public test_case_name { \
@ -1386,8 +1384,8 @@ internal::CartesianProductHolder10<Generator1, Generator2, Generator3,
#test_case_name, \
__FILE__, __LINE__))->AddTestPattern(\
#test_case_name, \
#test_name, \
GTEST_STRINGIFY_(test_case_name), \
GTEST_STRINGIFY_(test_name), \
new ::testing::internal::TestMetaFactory< \
test_case_name, test_name)>()); \
@ -436,8 +436,6 @@ internal::CartesianProductHolder$i<$for j, [[Generator$j]]> Combine(
# define TEST_P(test_case_name, test_name) \
class GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) \
: public test_case_name { \
@ -451,8 +449,8 @@ internal::CartesianProductHolder$i<$for j, [[Generator$j]]> Combine(
#test_case_name, \
__FILE__, __LINE__))->AddTestPattern(\
#test_case_name, \
#test_name, \
GTEST_STRINGIFY_(test_case_name), \
GTEST_STRINGIFY_(test_name), \
new ::testing::internal::TestMetaFactory< \
test_case_name, test_name)>()); \
@ -509,17 +509,19 @@ void PrintTo(const T& value, ::std::ostream* os) {
// function pointers so that the `*os << p` in the object pointer overload
// doesn't cause that warning either.
(sizeof(IsContainerTest<T>(0)) == sizeof(IsContainer)) && !IsRecursiveContainer<T>::value
? kPrintContainer : !is_pointer<T>::value
? kPrintOther
WrapPrinterType <
(sizeof(IsContainerTest<T>(0)) == sizeof(IsContainer)) &&
? kPrintContainer
: !is_pointer<T>::value
? kPrintOther
: std::is_function<typename std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value
: !internal::ImplicitlyConvertible<T, const void*>::value
? kPrintFunctionPointer
: kPrintPointer>(),
: kPrintPointer > (),
value, os);
@ -217,14 +217,18 @@ GTEST_API_ bool ExitedUnsuccessfully(int exit_status);
// can be streamed.
// This macro is for implementing ASSERT/EXPECT_DEBUG_DEATH when compiled in
// NDEBUG mode. In this case we need the statements to be executed, the regex is
// ignored, and the macro must accept a streamed message even though the message
// is never printed.
# define GTEST_EXECUTE_STATEMENT_(statement, regex) \
if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { \
} else \
// NDEBUG mode. In this case we need the statements to be executed and the macro
// must accept a streamed message even though the message is never printed.
// The regex object is not evaluated, but it is used to prevent "unused"
// warnings and to avoid an expression that doesn't compile in debug mode.
#define GTEST_EXECUTE_STATEMENT_(statement, regex) \
if (::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { \
} else if (!::testing::internal::AlwaysTrue()) { \
const ::testing::internal::RE& gtest_regex = (regex); \
static_cast<void>(gtest_regex); \
} else \
// A class representing the parsed contents of the
@ -75,6 +75,9 @@
#define GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_(foo, bar) GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_IMPL_(foo, bar)
#define GTEST_CONCAT_TOKEN_IMPL_(foo, bar) foo ## bar
// Stringifies its argument.
#define GTEST_STRINGIFY_(name) #name
class ProtocolMessage;
namespace proto2 { class Message; }
@ -872,8 +875,11 @@ struct IsAProtocolMessage
// a container class by checking the type of IsContainerTest<C>(0).
// The value of the expression is insignificant.
// Note that we look for both C::iterator and C::const_iterator. The
// reason is that C++ injects the name of a class as a member of the
// In C++11 mode we check the existence of a const_iterator and that an
// iterator is properly implemented for the container.
// For pre-C++11 that we look for both C::iterator and C::const_iterator.
// The reason is that C++ injects the name of a class as a member of the
// class itself (e.g. you can refer to class iterator as either
// 'iterator' or 'iterator::iterator'). If we look for C::iterator
// only, for example, we would mistakenly think that a class named
@ -883,40 +889,94 @@ struct IsAProtocolMessage
// IsContainerTest(typename C::const_iterator*) and
// IsContainerTest(...) doesn't work with Visual Age C++ and Sun C++.
typedef int IsContainer;
template <class C,
class Iterator = decltype(::std::declval<const C&>().begin()),
class = decltype(::std::declval<const C&>().end()),
class = decltype(++::std::declval<Iterator&>()),
class = decltype(*::std::declval<Iterator>()),
class = typename C::const_iterator>
IsContainer IsContainerTest(int /* dummy */) {
return 0;
template <class C>
IsContainer IsContainerTest(int /* dummy */,
typename C::iterator* /* it */ = NULL,
typename C::const_iterator* /* const_it */ = NULL) {
return 0;
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
typedef char IsNotContainer;
template <class C>
IsNotContainer IsContainerTest(long /* dummy */) { return '\0'; }
template <typename C, bool =
sizeof(IsContainerTest<C>(0)) == sizeof(IsContainer)
// Trait to detect whether a type T is a hash table.
// The heuristic used is that the type contains an inner type `hasher` and does
// not contain an inner type `reverse_iterator`.
// If the container is iterable in reverse, then order might actually matter.
template <typename T>
struct IsHashTable {
template <typename U>
static char test(typename U::hasher*, typename U::reverse_iterator*);
template <typename U>
static int test(typename U::hasher*, ...);
template <typename U>
static char test(...);
static const bool value = sizeof(test<T>(0, 0)) == sizeof(int);
template <typename T>
const bool IsHashTable<T>::value;
template<typename T>
struct VoidT {
typedef void value_type;
template <typename T, typename = void>
struct HasValueType : false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct HasValueType<T, VoidT<typename T::value_type> > : true_type {
template <typename C,
bool = sizeof(IsContainerTest<C>(0)) == sizeof(IsContainer),
bool = HasValueType<C>::value>
struct IsRecursiveContainerImpl;
template <typename C, bool HV>
struct IsRecursiveContainerImpl<C, false, HV> : public false_type {};
// Since the IsRecursiveContainerImpl depends on the IsContainerTest we need to
// obey the same inconsistencies as the IsContainerTest, namely check if
// something is a container is relying on only const_iterator in C++11 and
// is relying on both const_iterator and iterator otherwise
template <typename C>
struct IsRecursiveContainerImpl<C, false> : public false_type {};
struct IsRecursiveContainerImpl<C, true, false> : public false_type {};
template <typename C>
struct IsRecursiveContainerImpl<C, true> {
typename IteratorTraits<typename C::iterator>::value_type
struct IsRecursiveContainerImpl<C, true, true> {
typedef typename IteratorTraits<typename C::const_iterator>::value_type
typedef typename IteratorTraits<typename C::iterator>::value_type value_type;
typedef is_same<value_type, C> type;
// IsRecursiveContainer<Type> is a unary compile-time predicate that
// evaluates whether C is a recursive container type. A recursive container
// evaluates whether C is a recursive container type. A recursive container
// type is a container type whose value_type is equal to the container type
// itself. An example for a recursive container type is
// boost::filesystem::path, whose iterator has a value_type that is equal to
// itself. An example for a recursive container type is
// boost::filesystem::path, whose iterator has a value_type that is equal to
// boost::filesystem::path.
template<typename C>
template <typename C>
struct IsRecursiveContainer : public IsRecursiveContainerImpl<C>::type {};
// EnableIf<condition>::type is void when 'Cond' is true, and
@ -1215,4 +1275,3 @@ class GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name) : public parent_class {\
void GTEST_TEST_CLASS_NAME_(test_case_name, test_name)::TestBody()
@ -363,14 +363,14 @@
# if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023824) // works only with VS2015U2 and better
# if !defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_FULL_VER >= 190023824)
// works only with VS2015U2 and better
# endif
# define GTEST_HAS_STD_MOVE_ 1
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ typedef struct _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION GTEST_CRITICAL_SECTION;
// The user told us that ::std::string isn't available.
# error "Google Test cannot be used where ::std::string isn't available."
# error "::std::string isn't available."
#endif // !defined(GTEST_HAS_STD_STRING)
@ -889,6 +889,12 @@ using ::std::tuple_size;
# define GTEST_CXX11_EQUALS_DELETE_ = delete
#else // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
// Use this annotation before a function that takes a printf format string.
#if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__)) && !defined(COMPILER_ICC)
# if defined(__MINGW_PRINTF_FORMAT)
@ -906,15 +912,16 @@ using ::std::tuple_size;
# define GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_(string_index, first_to_check)
// A macro to disallow operator=
// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class.
void operator=(type const &)
#define GTEST_DISALLOW_ASSIGN_(type) \
void operator=(type const &) GTEST_CXX11_EQUALS_DELETE_
// A macro to disallow copy constructor and operator=
// This should be used in the private: declarations for a class.
type(type const &);\
type(type const &) GTEST_CXX11_EQUALS_DELETE_; \
// Tell the compiler to warn about unused return values for functions declared
@ -975,13 +982,13 @@ using ::std::tuple_size;
# endif
#elif __GNUC__ >= 4 || defined(__clang__)
# define GTEST_API_ __attribute__((visibility ("default")))
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif // GTEST_API_
#endif // GTEST_API_
#ifndef GTEST_API_
# define GTEST_API_
#endif // GTEST_API_
#endif // GTEST_API_
@ -995,10 +1002,12 @@ using ::std::tuple_size;
// _LIBCPP_VERSION is defined by the libc++ library from the LLVM project.
#if defined(__GLIBCXX__) || (defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(_MSC_VER))
# define GTEST_HAS_CXXABI_H_ 1
# define GTEST_HAS_CXXABI_H_ 0
#if !defined(GTEST_HAS_CXXABI_H_)
# if defined(__GLIBCXX__) || (defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION) && !defined(_MSC_VER))
# define GTEST_HAS_CXXABI_H_ 1
# else
# define GTEST_HAS_CXXABI_H_ 0
# endif
// A function level attribute to disable checking for use of uninitialized
@ -1425,6 +1434,8 @@ template <typename T>
const T& move(const T& t) {
return t;
template <typename T>
GTEST_ADD_REFERENCE_(T) forward(GTEST_ADD_REFERENCE_(T) t) { return t; }
template <typename T>
struct RvalueRef {
@ -1537,14 +1548,18 @@ GTEST_API_ size_t GetFileSize(FILE* file);
GTEST_API_ std::string ReadEntireFile(FILE* file);
// All command line arguments.
GTEST_API_ const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>& GetArgvs();
GTEST_API_ std::vector<std::string> GetArgvs();
const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>& GetInjectableArgvs();
void SetInjectableArgvs(const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>*
std::vector<std::string> GetInjectableArgvs();
// Deprecated: pass the args vector by value instead.
void SetInjectableArgvs(const std::vector<std::string>* new_argvs);
void SetInjectableArgvs(const std::vector<std::string>& new_argvs);
void SetInjectableArgvs(const std::vector< ::string>& new_argvs);
void ClearInjectableArgvs();
@ -2325,6 +2340,7 @@ struct is_same : public false_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_same<T, T> : public true_type {};
template <typename T>
struct is_pointer : public false_type {};
@ -2336,6 +2352,7 @@ struct IteratorTraits {
typedef typename Iterator::value_type value_type;
template <typename T>
struct IteratorTraits<T*> {
typedef T value_type;
@ -2631,15 +2648,15 @@ typedef TypeWithSize<8>::Int TimeInMillis; // Represents time in milliseconds.
# define GTEST_DECLARE_bool_(name) GTEST_API_ extern bool GTEST_FLAG(name)
# define GTEST_DECLARE_int32_(name) \
GTEST_API_ extern ::testing::internal::Int32 GTEST_FLAG(name)
#define GTEST_DECLARE_string_(name) \
# define GTEST_DECLARE_string_(name) \
GTEST_API_ extern ::std::string GTEST_FLAG(name)
// Macros for defining flags.
#define GTEST_DEFINE_bool_(name, default_val, doc) \
# define GTEST_DEFINE_bool_(name, default_val, doc) \
GTEST_API_ bool GTEST_FLAG(name) = (default_val)
#define GTEST_DEFINE_int32_(name, default_val, doc) \
# define GTEST_DEFINE_int32_(name, default_val, doc) \
GTEST_API_ ::testing::internal::Int32 GTEST_FLAG(name) = (default_val)
#define GTEST_DEFINE_string_(name, default_val, doc) \
# define GTEST_DEFINE_string_(name, default_val, doc) \
GTEST_API_ ::std::string GTEST_FLAG(name) = (default_val)
#endif // !defined(GTEST_DECLARE_bool_)
@ -2662,10 +2679,10 @@ bool ParseInt32(const Message& src_text, const char* str, Int32* value);
// corresponding to the given Google Test flag.
bool BoolFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, bool default_val);
GTEST_API_ Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv(const char* flag, Int32 default_val);
std::string StringFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_val);
std::string OutputFlagAlsoCheckEnvVar();
const char* StringFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_val);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace testing
@ -115,10 +115,9 @@ def HeaderPreamble(n):
// Makes sure this header is not included before gtest.h.
# error Do not include gtest_pred_impl.h directly. Include gtest.h instead.
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace testing {
// This header implements a family of generic predicate assertion
// macros:
@ -295,16 +294,17 @@ def HeaderPostamble():
return """
} // namespace testing
def GenerateFile(path, content):
"""Given a file path and a content string, overwrites it with the
given content."""
"""Given a file path and a content string
overwrites it with the given content.
print 'Updating file %s . . .' % path
f = file(path, 'w+')
print >>f, content,
@ -314,8 +314,8 @@ def GenerateFile(path, content):
def GenerateHeader(n):
"""Given the maximum arity n, updates the header file that implements
the predicate assertions."""
the predicate assertions.
+ ''.join([ImplementationForArity(i) for i in OneTo(n)])
@ -1081,22 +1081,36 @@ std::string ReadEntireFile(FILE* file) {
static const std::vector<std::string>* g_injected_test_argvs = NULL; // Owned.
static const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>* g_injected_test_argvs =
NULL; // Owned.
void SetInjectableArgvs(const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>* argvs) {
if (g_injected_test_argvs != argvs)
delete g_injected_test_argvs;
g_injected_test_argvs = argvs;
const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>& GetInjectableArgvs() {
std::vector<std::string> GetInjectableArgvs() {
if (g_injected_test_argvs != NULL) {
return *g_injected_test_argvs;
return GetArgvs();
void SetInjectableArgvs(const std::vector<std::string>* new_argvs) {
if (g_injected_test_argvs != new_argvs) delete g_injected_test_argvs;
g_injected_test_argvs = new_argvs;
void SetInjectableArgvs(const std::vector<std::string>& new_argvs) {
new std::vector<std::string>(new_argvs.begin(), new_argvs.end()));
void SetInjectableArgvs(const std::vector< ::string>& new_argvs) {
new std::vector<std::string>(new_argvs.begin(), new_argvs.end()));
void ClearInjectableArgvs() {
delete g_injected_test_argvs;
g_injected_test_argvs = NULL;
@ -1171,11 +1185,12 @@ bool ParseInt32(const Message& src_text, const char* str, Int32* value) {
bool BoolFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, bool default_value) {
return GTEST_GET_BOOL_FROM_ENV_(flag, default_value);
#endif // defined(GTEST_GET_BOOL_FROM_ENV_)
const std::string env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
const char* const string_value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
return string_value == NULL ?
default_value : strcmp(string_value, "0") != 0;
#endif // defined(GTEST_GET_BOOL_FROM_ENV_)
// Reads and returns a 32-bit integer stored in the environment
@ -1184,7 +1199,7 @@ bool BoolFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, bool default_value) {
Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv(const char* flag, Int32 default_value) {
#if defined(GTEST_GET_INT32_FROM_ENV_)
return GTEST_GET_INT32_FROM_ENV_(flag, default_value);
#endif // defined(GTEST_GET_INT32_FROM_ENV_)
const std::string env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
const char* const string_value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
if (string_value == NULL) {
@ -1202,37 +1217,36 @@ Int32 Int32FromGTestEnv(const char* flag, Int32 default_value) {
return result;
#endif // defined(GTEST_GET_INT32_FROM_ENV_)
// As a special case for the 'output' flag, if GTEST_OUTPUT is not
// set, we look for XML_OUTPUT_FILE, which is set by the Bazel build
// system. The value of XML_OUTPUT_FILE is a filename without the
// "xml:" prefix of GTEST_OUTPUT.
// Note that this is meant to be called at the call site so it does
// not check that the flag is 'output'
// In essence this checks an env variable called XML_OUTPUT_FILE
// and if it is set we prepend "xml:" to its value, if it not set we return ""
std::string OutputFlagAlsoCheckEnvVar(){
std::string default_value_for_output_flag = "";
const char* xml_output_file_env = posix::GetEnv("XML_OUTPUT_FILE");
if (NULL != xml_output_file_env) {
default_value_for_output_flag = std::string("xml:") + xml_output_file_env;
return default_value_for_output_flag;
// Reads and returns the string environment variable corresponding to
// the given flag; if it's not set, returns default_value.
std::string StringFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_value) {
const char* StringFromGTestEnv(const char* flag, const char* default_value) {
return GTEST_GET_STRING_FROM_ENV_(flag, default_value);
#endif // defined(GTEST_GET_STRING_FROM_ENV_)
const std::string env_var = FlagToEnvVar(flag);
const char* value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
if (value != NULL) {
return value;
// As a special case for the 'output' flag, if GTEST_OUTPUT is not
// set, we look for XML_OUTPUT_FILE, which is set by the Bazel build
// system. The value of XML_OUTPUT_FILE is a filename without the
// "xml:" prefix of GTEST_OUTPUT.
// The net priority order after flag processing is thus:
// --gtest_output command line flag
// GTEST_OUTPUT environment variable
// XML_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable
// 'default_value'
if (strcmp(flag, "output") == 0) {
value = posix::GetEnv("XML_OUTPUT_FILE");
if (value != NULL) {
return std::string("xml:") + value;
return default_value;
const char* const value = posix::GetEnv(env_var.c_str());
return value == NULL ? default_value : value;
#endif // defined(GTEST_GET_STRING_FROM_ENV_)
} // namespace internal
@ -230,9 +230,15 @@ GTEST_DEFINE_string_(
GTEST_DEFINE_bool_(list_tests, false,
"List all tests without running them.");
// The net priority order after flag processing is thus:
// --gtest_output command line flag
// GTEST_OUTPUT environment variable
// XML_OUTPUT_FILE environment variable
// ''
internal::StringFromGTestEnv("output", ""),
"A format (defaults to \"xml\" but can be specified to be \"json\"), "
"optionally followed by a colon and an output file name or directory. "
"A directory is indicated by a trailing pathname separator. "
@ -386,12 +392,15 @@ void AssertHelper::operator=(const Message& message) const {
// A copy of all command line arguments. Set by InitGoogleTest().
::std::vector<testing::internal::string> g_argvs;
::std::vector<std::string> g_argvs;
const ::std::vector<testing::internal::string>& GetArgvs() {
::std::vector<std::string> GetArgvs() {
#else // defined(GTEST_CUSTOM_GET_ARGVS_)
// GTEST_CUSTOM_GET_ARGVS_() may return a container of std::string or
// ::string. This code converts it to the appropriate type.
const auto& custom = GTEST_CUSTOM_GET_ARGVS_();
return ::std::vector<std::string>(custom.begin(), custom.end());
#else // defined(GTEST_CUSTOM_GET_ARGVS_)
return g_argvs;
#endif // defined(GTEST_CUSTOM_GET_ARGVS_)
@ -2912,16 +2921,20 @@ static int GetBitOffset(WORD color_mask) {
static WORD GetNewColor(GTestColor color, WORD old_color_attrs) {
// Let's reuse the BG
static const WORD background_mask = BACKGROUND_BLUE | BACKGROUND_GREEN |
static const WORD foreground_mask = FOREGROUND_BLUE | FOREGROUND_GREEN |
const WORD existing_bg = old_color_attrs & background_mask;
WORD new_color = GetColorAttribute(color) | existing_bg | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY;
WORD new_color =
GetColorAttribute(color) | existing_bg | FOREGROUND_INTENSITY;
static const int bg_bitOffset = GetBitOffset(background_mask);
static const int fg_bitOffset = GetBitOffset(foreground_mask);
if (((new_color & background_mask) >> bg_bitOffset) == ((new_color & foreground_mask) >> fg_bitOffset)) {
new_color ^= FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; //invert intensity
if (((new_color & background_mask) >> bg_bitOffset) ==
((new_color & foreground_mask) >> fg_bitOffset)) {
new_color ^= FOREGROUND_INTENSITY; // invert intensity
return new_color;
@ -2982,7 +2995,6 @@ bool ShouldUseColor(bool stdout_is_tty) {
// cannot simply emit special characters and have the terminal change colors.
// This routine must actually emit the characters rather than return a string
// that would be colored when printed, as can be done on Linux.
static void ColoredPrintf(GTestColor color, const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, fmt);
@ -3032,7 +3044,7 @@ static void ColoredPrintf(GTestColor color, const char* fmt, ...) {
// Text printed in Google Test's text output and --gunit_list_tests
// Text printed in Google Test's text output and --gtest_list_tests
// output to label the type parameter and value parameter for a test.
static const char kTypeParamLabel[] = "TypeParam";
static const char kValueParamLabel[] = "GetParam()";
@ -3442,6 +3454,11 @@ class XmlUnitTestResultPrinter : public EmptyTestEventListener {
// to delimit this attribute from prior attributes.
static std::string TestPropertiesAsXmlAttributes(const TestResult& result);
// Streams an XML representation of the test properties of a TestResult
// object.
static void OutputXmlTestProperties(std::ostream* stream,
const TestResult& result);
// The output file.
const std::string output_file_;
@ -3653,6 +3670,10 @@ void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestInfo(::std::ostream* stream,
const TestResult& result = *test_info.result();
const std::string kTestcase = "testcase";
if (test_info.is_in_another_shard()) {
*stream << " <testcase";
OutputXmlAttribute(stream, kTestcase, "name",;
@ -3669,7 +3690,6 @@ void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestInfo(::std::ostream* stream,
OutputXmlAttribute(stream, kTestcase, "time",
OutputXmlAttribute(stream, kTestcase, "classname", test_case_name);
*stream << TestPropertiesAsXmlAttributes(result);
int failures = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < result.total_part_count(); ++i) {
@ -3691,10 +3711,15 @@ void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestInfo(::std::ostream* stream,
if (failures == 0)
if (failures == 0 && result.test_property_count() == 0) {
*stream << " />\n";
} else {
if (failures == 0) {
*stream << ">\n";
OutputXmlTestProperties(stream, result);
*stream << " </testcase>\n";
// Prints an XML representation of a TestCase object
@ -3749,7 +3774,6 @@ void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::PrintXmlUnitTest(std::ostream* stream,
OutputXmlAttribute(stream, kTestsuites, "random_seed",
*stream << TestPropertiesAsXmlAttributes(unit_test.ad_hoc_test_result());
OutputXmlAttribute(stream, kTestsuites, "name", "AllTests");
@ -3775,6 +3799,26 @@ std::string XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::TestPropertiesAsXmlAttributes(
return attributes.GetString();
void XmlUnitTestResultPrinter::OutputXmlTestProperties(
std::ostream* stream, const TestResult& result) {
const std::string kProperties = "properties";
const std::string kProperty = "property";
if (result.test_property_count() <= 0) {
*stream << "<" << kProperties << ">\n";
for (int i = 0; i < result.test_property_count(); ++i) {
const TestProperty& property = result.GetTestProperty(i);
*stream << "<" << kProperty;
*stream << " name=\"" << EscapeXmlAttribute(property.key()) << "\"";
*stream << " value=\"" << EscapeXmlAttribute(property.value()) << "\"";
*stream << "/>\n";
*stream << "</" << kProperties << ">\n";
// End XmlUnitTestResultPrinter
@ -4210,9 +4254,10 @@ void OsStackTraceGetter::UponLeavingGTest() {}
class ScopedPrematureExitFile {
explicit ScopedPrematureExitFile(const char* premature_exit_filepath)
: premature_exit_filepath_(premature_exit_filepath) {
: premature_exit_filepath_(premature_exit_filepath ?
premature_exit_filepath : "") {
// If a path to the premature-exit file is specified...
if (premature_exit_filepath != NULL && *premature_exit_filepath != '\0') {
if (!premature_exit_filepath_.empty()) {
// create the file with a single "0" character in it. I/O
// errors are ignored as there's nothing better we can do and we
// don't want to fail the test because of this.
@ -4223,13 +4268,18 @@ class ScopedPrematureExitFile {
~ScopedPrematureExitFile() {
if (premature_exit_filepath_ != NULL && *premature_exit_filepath_ != '\0') {
if (!premature_exit_filepath_.empty()) {
int retval = remove(premature_exit_filepath_.c_str());
if (retval) {
GTEST_LOG_(ERROR) << "Failed to remove premature exit filepath \""
<< premature_exit_filepath_ << "\" with error "
<< retval;
const char* const premature_exit_filepath_;
const std::string premature_exit_filepath_;
@ -4897,13 +4947,8 @@ static void TearDownEnvironment(Environment* env) { env->TearDown(); }
// All other functions called from RunAllTests() may safely assume that
// parameterized tests are ready to be counted and run.
bool UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() {
// Makes sure InitGoogleTest() was called.
if (!GTestIsInitialized()) {
"\nThis test program did NOT call ::testing::InitGoogleTest "
"before calling RUN_ALL_TESTS(). Please fix it.";
return false;
// True iff Google Test is initialized before RUN_ALL_TESTS() is called.
const bool gtest_is_initialized_before_run_all_tests = GTestIsInitialized();
// Do not run any test if the --help flag was specified.
if (g_help_flag)
@ -5031,6 +5076,20 @@ bool UnitTestImpl::RunAllTests() {
if (!gtest_is_initialized_before_run_all_tests) {
"This test program did NOT call " GTEST_INIT_GOOGLE_TEST_NAME_
"() before calling RUN_ALL_TESTS(). This is INVALID. Soon " GTEST_NAME_
" will start to enforce the valid usage. "
"Please fix it ASAP, or IT WILL START TO FAIL.\n"); // NOLINT
"For more details, see http://wiki/Main/ValidGUnitMain.\n");
return !failed;
@ -5077,7 +5136,7 @@ bool ShouldShard(const char* total_shards_env,
<< "Invalid environment variables: you have "
<< kTestShardIndex << " = " << shard_index
<< ", but have left " << kTestTotalShards << " unset.\n";
ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED, "%s", msg.GetString().c_str());
ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED, msg.GetString().c_str());
} else if (total_shards != -1 && shard_index == -1) {
@ -5085,7 +5144,7 @@ bool ShouldShard(const char* total_shards_env,
<< "Invalid environment variables: you have "
<< kTestTotalShards << " = " << total_shards
<< ", but have left " << kTestShardIndex << " unset.\n";
ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED, "%s", msg.GetString().c_str());
ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED, msg.GetString().c_str());
} else if (shard_index < 0 || shard_index >= total_shards) {
@ -5094,7 +5153,7 @@ bool ShouldShard(const char* total_shards_env,
<< kTestShardIndex << " < " << kTestTotalShards
<< ", but you have " << kTestShardIndex << "=" << shard_index
<< ", " << kTestTotalShards << "=" << total_shards << ".\n";
ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED, "%s", msg.GetString().c_str());
ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED, msg.GetString().c_str());
@ -5132,8 +5191,8 @@ bool ShouldRunTestOnShard(int total_shards, int shard_index, int test_id) {
// each TestCase and TestInfo object.
// If shard_tests == true, further filters tests based on sharding
// variables in the environment - see
// .
// Returns the number of tests that should run.
// . Returns the number of tests that should run.
int UnitTestImpl::FilterTests(ReactionToSharding shard_tests) {
const Int32 total_shards = shard_tests == HONOR_SHARDING_PROTOCOL ?
Int32FromEnvOrDie(kTestTotalShards, -1) : -1;
@ -5361,8 +5420,7 @@ bool SkipPrefix(const char* prefix, const char** pstr) {
// part can be omitted.
// Returns the value of the flag, or NULL if the parsing failed.
static const char* ParseFlagValue(const char* str,
const char* flag,
static const char* ParseFlagValue(const char* str, const char* flag,
bool def_optional) {
// str and flag must not be NULL.
if (str == NULL || flag == NULL) return NULL;
@ -5433,9 +5491,8 @@ bool ParseInt32Flag(const char* str, const char* flag, Int32* value) {
// On success, stores the value of the flag in *value, and returns
// true. On failure, returns false without changing *value.
static bool ParseStringFlag(const char* str,
const char* flag,
std::string* value) {
template <typename String>
static bool ParseStringFlag(const char* str, const char* flag, String* value) {
// Gets the value of the flag as a string.
const char* const value_str = ParseFlagValue(str, flag, false);
@ -5535,22 +5592,22 @@ static const char kColorEncodedHelpMessage[] =
"Test Output:\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "color=@Y(@Gyes@Y|@Gno@Y|@Gauto@Y)@D\n"
" Enable/disable colored output. The default is @Gauto@D.\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "print_time=0@D\n"
" -@G-" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "print_time=0@D\n"
" Don't print the elapsed time of each test.\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "output=@Y(@Gjson@Y|@Gxml@Y)[@G:@YDIRECTORY_PATH@G"
" Generate a JSON or XML report in the given directory or with the given\n"
" file name. @YFILE_PATH@D defaults to @Gtest_details.xml@D.\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "stream_result_to=@YHOST@G:@YPORT@D\n"
" Stream test results to the given server.\n"
"Assertion Behavior:\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "death_test_style=@Y(@Gfast@Y|@Gthreadsafe@Y)@D\n"
" Set the default death test style.\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "break_on_failure@D\n"
" Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points.\n"
" @G--" GTEST_FLAG_PREFIX_ "throw_on_failure@D\n"
@ -848,6 +848,34 @@ TEST_P(NamingTest, TestsReportCorrectNamesAndParameters) {
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ZeroToFiveSequence, NamingTest, Range(0, 5));
// Tests that macros in test names are expanded correctly.
class MacroNamingTest : public TestWithParam<int> {};
#define PREFIX_WITH_FOO(test_name) Foo##test_name
#define PREFIX_WITH_MACRO(test_name) Macro##test_name
const ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info =
EXPECT_STREQ("FortyTwo/MacroNamingTest", test_info->test_case_name());
EXPECT_STREQ("FooSomeTestName", test_info->name());
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(FortyTwo, MacroNamingTest, Values(42));
// Tests the same thing for non-parametrized tests.
class MacroNamingTestNonParametrized : public ::testing::Test {};
PREFIX_WITH_FOO(SomeTestName)) {
const ::testing::TestInfo* const test_info =
EXPECT_STREQ("MacroNamingTestNonParametrized", test_info->test_case_name());
EXPECT_STREQ("FooSomeTestName", test_info->name());
// Tests that user supplied custom parameter names are working correctly.
// Runs the test with a builtin helper method which uses PrintToString,
// as well as a custom function and custom functor to ensure all possible
@ -50,18 +50,13 @@
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
// hash_map and hash_set are available under Visual C++, or on Linux.
# include <unordered_map> // NOLINT
# include <hash_map> // NOLINT
# include <unordered_set> // NOLINT
# include <hash_set> // NOLINT
# include <forward_list> // NOLINT
@ -200,7 +195,6 @@ class PathLike {
struct iterator {
typedef PathLike value_type;
typedef iterator const_iterator;
PathLike() {}
@ -238,50 +232,6 @@ using ::testing::internal::UniversalPrinter;
using ::testing::internal::UniversalTersePrint;
using ::testing::internal::UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings;
using ::testing::internal::string;
// The hash_* classes are not part of the C++ standard. STLport
// defines them in namespace std. MSVC defines them in ::stdext. GCC
// defines them in ::.
template <class Key, class T>
using hash_map = ::std::unordered_map<Key, T>;
template <class Key, class T>
using hash_multimap = ::std::unordered_multimap<Key, T>;
#ifdef _STLP_HASH_MAP // We got <hash_map> from STLport.
using ::std::hash_map;
using ::std::hash_multimap;
#elif _MSC_VER
using ::stdext::hash_map;
using ::stdext::hash_multimap;
template <class Key>
using hash_set = ::std::unordered_set<Key>;
template <class Key>
using hash_multiset = ::std::unordered_multiset<Key>;
#ifdef _STLP_HASH_MAP // We got <hash_map> from STLport.
using ::std::hash_map;
using ::std::hash_multimap;
#elif _MSC_VER
using ::stdext::hash_map;
using ::stdext::hash_multimap;
// Prints a value to a string using the universal value printer. This
@ -868,16 +818,16 @@ TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, NonEmptyDeque) {
EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 3 }", Print(non_empty));
TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, OneElementHashMap) {
hash_map<int, char> map1;
::std::unordered_map<int, char> map1;
map1[1] = 'a';
EXPECT_EQ("{ (1, 'a' (97, 0x61)) }", Print(map1));
TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashMultiMap) {
hash_multimap<int, bool> map1;
::std::unordered_multimap<int, bool> map1;
map1.insert(make_pair(5, true));
map1.insert(make_pair(5, false));
@ -888,12 +838,12 @@ TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashMultiMap) {
<< " where Print(map1) returns \"" << result << "\".";
TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashSet) {
hash_set<int> set1;
::std::unordered_set<int> set1;
EXPECT_EQ("{ 1 }", Print(set1));
@ -901,7 +851,7 @@ TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashSet) {
TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashMultiSet) {
const int kSize = 5;
int a[kSize] = { 1, 1, 2, 5, 1 };
hash_multiset<int> set1(a, a + kSize);
::std::unordered_multiset<int> set1(a, a + kSize);
// Elements of hash_multiset can be printed in any order.
const std::string result = Print(set1);
@ -927,7 +877,7 @@ TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashMultiSet) {
EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(a, a + kSize, numbers.begin()));
TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, List) {
const std::string a[] = {"hello", "world"};
@ -81,13 +81,14 @@ def TestFlag(flag, test_val, default_val):
class GTestEnvVarTest(gtest_test_utils.TestCase):
def testEnvVarAffectsFlag(self):
"""Tests that environment variable should affect the corresponding flag."""
TestFlag('break_on_failure', '1', '0')
TestFlag('color', 'yes', 'auto')
TestFlag('filter', 'FooTest.Bar', '*')
SetEnvVar('XML_OUTPUT_FILE', None) # For 'output' test
SetEnvVar('XML_OUTPUT_FILE', None) # For 'output' test
TestFlag('output', 'xml:tmp/foo.xml', '')
TestFlag('print_time', '0', '1')
TestFlag('repeat', '999', '1')
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ class GTestEnvVarTest(gtest_test_utils.TestCase):
TestFlag('death_test_use_fork', '1', '0')
TestFlag('stack_trace_depth', '0', '100')
def testXmlOutputFile(self):
"""Tests that $XML_OUTPUT_FILE affects the output flag."""
@ -107,7 +109,7 @@ class GTestEnvVarTest(gtest_test_utils.TestCase):
AssertEq('xml:tmp/bar.xml', GetFlag('output'))
def testXmlOutputFileOverride(self):
"""Tests that $XML_OUTPUT_FILE is overridden by $GTEST_OUTPUT"""
"""Tests that $XML_OUTPUT_FILE is overridden by $GTEST_OUTPUT."""
SetEnvVar('GTEST_OUTPUT', 'xml:tmp/foo.xml')
SetEnvVar('XML_OUTPUT_FILE', 'tmp/bar.xml')
@ -32,9 +32,8 @@
import json
import os
import gtest_test_utils
import gtest_json_test_utils
import gtest_test_utils
GTEST_OUTPUT_SUBDIR = 'json_outfiles'
GTEST_OUTPUT_1_TEST = 'gtest_xml_outfile1_test_'
@ -37,9 +37,8 @@ import os
import re
import sys
import gtest_test_utils
import gtest_json_test_utils
import gtest_test_utils
GTEST_FILTER_FLAG = '--gtest_filter'
GTEST_LIST_TESTS_FLAG = '--gtest_list_tests'
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def normalize(obj):
def _normalize(key, value):
if key == 'time':
return re.sub(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?s$', u'*', value)
return re.sub(r'^\d+(\.\d+)?s$', '*', value)
elif key == 'timestamp':
return re.sub(r'^\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ$', '*', value)
elif key == 'failure':
@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class Subprocess:
combined in a string.
# The subprocess module is the preferable way of running programs
# The subprocess module is the preferrable way of running programs
# since it is available and behaves consistently on all platforms,
# including Windows. But it is only available starting in python 2.4.
# In earlier python versions, we revert to the popen2 module, which is
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@
__author__ = ' (Zhanyong Wan)'
import os
import gtest_test_utils
COMMAND = gtest_test_utils.GetTestExecutablePath('gtest_uninitialized_test_')
@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ TEST(CommandLineFlagsTest, CanBeAccessedInCodeOnceGTestHIsIncluded) {
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <ostream>
#include <unordered_set>
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
#include "gtest/gtest-spi.h"
#include "src/gtest-internal-inl.h"
@ -258,6 +261,8 @@ using testing::internal::IsContainer;
using testing::internal::IsContainerTest;
using testing::internal::IsNotContainer;
using testing::internal::NativeArray;
using testing::internal::OsStackTraceGetter;
using testing::internal::OsStackTraceGetterInterface;
using testing::internal::ParseInt32Flag;
using testing::internal::RelationToSourceCopy;
using testing::internal::RelationToSourceReference;
@ -274,6 +279,7 @@ using testing::internal::String;
using testing::internal::TestEventListenersAccessor;
using testing::internal::TestResultAccessor;
using testing::internal::UInt32;
using testing::internal::UnitTestImpl;
using testing::internal::WideStringToUtf8;
using testing::internal::edit_distance::CalculateOptimalEdits;
using testing::internal::edit_distance::CreateUnifiedDiff;
@ -7526,6 +7532,50 @@ TEST(IsContainerTestTest, WorksForContainer) {
sizeof(IsContainerTest<std::map<int, double> >(0)));
struct ConstOnlyContainerWithPointerIterator {
using const_iterator = int*;
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
struct ConstOnlyContainerWithClassIterator {
struct const_iterator {
const int& operator*() const;
const_iterator& operator++(/* pre-increment */);
const_iterator begin() const;
const_iterator end() const;
TEST(IsContainerTestTest, ConstOnlyContainer) {
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
// Tests IsHashTable.
struct AHashTable {
typedef void hasher;
struct NotReallyAHashTable {
typedef void hasher;
typedef void reverse_iterator;
TEST(IsHashTable, Basic) {
#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
// Tests ArrayEq().
TEST(ArrayEqTest, WorksForDegeneratedArrays) {
@ -43,7 +43,13 @@ GTEST_OUTPUT_2_TEST = "gtest_xml_outfile2_test_"
EXPECTED_XML_1 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*" timestamp="*" name="AllTests">
<testsuite name="PropertyOne" tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*">
<testcase name="TestSomeProperties" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyOne" SetUpProp="1" TestSomeProperty="1" TearDownProp="1" />
<testcase name="TestSomeProperties" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyOne">
<property name="SetUpProp" value="1"/>
<property name="TestSomeProperty" value="1"/>
<property name="TearDownProp" value="1"/>
@ -51,7 +57,13 @@ EXPECTED_XML_1 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
EXPECTED_XML_2 = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*" timestamp="*" name="AllTests">
<testsuite name="PropertyTwo" tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*">
<testcase name="TestSomeProperties" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyTwo" SetUpProp="2" TestSomeProperty="2" TearDownProp="2" />
<testcase name="TestSomeProperties" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyTwo">
<property name="SetUpProp" value="2"/>
<property name="TestSomeProperty" value="2"/>
<property name="TearDownProp" value="2"/>
@ -104,15 +104,45 @@ Invalid characters in brackets []%(stack)s]]></failure>
<testcase name="DISABLED_test_not_run" status="notrun" time="*" classname="DisabledTest"/>
<testsuite name="PropertyRecordingTest" tests="4" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*" SetUpTestCase="yes" TearDownTestCase="aye">
<testcase name="OneProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest" key_1="1"/>
<testcase name="IntValuedProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest" key_int="1"/>
<testcase name="ThreeProperties" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest" key_1="1" key_2="2" key_3="3"/>
<testcase name="TwoValuesForOneKeyUsesLastValue" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest" key_1="2"/>
<testcase name="OneProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest">
<property name="key_1" value="1"/>
<testcase name="IntValuedProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest">
<property name="key_int" value="1"/>
<testcase name="ThreeProperties" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest">
<property name="key_1" value="1"/>
<property name="key_2" value="2"/>
<property name="key_3" value="3"/>
<testcase name="TwoValuesForOneKeyUsesLastValue" status="run" time="*" classname="PropertyRecordingTest">
<property name="key_1" value="2"/>
<testsuite name="NoFixtureTest" tests="3" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*">
<testcase name="RecordProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest" key="1"/>
<testcase name="ExternalUtilityThatCallsRecordIntValuedProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest" key_for_utility_int="1"/>
<testcase name="ExternalUtilityThatCallsRecordStringValuedProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest" key_for_utility_string="1"/>
<testcase name="RecordProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest">
<property name="key" value="1"/>
<testcase name="ExternalUtilityThatCallsRecordIntValuedProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest">
<property name="key_for_utility_int" value="1"/>
<testcase name="ExternalUtilityThatCallsRecordStringValuedProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest">
<property name="key_for_utility_string" value="1"/>
<testsuite name="Single/ValueParamTest" tests="4" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*">
<testcase name="HasValueParamAttribute/0" value_param="33" status="run" time="*" classname="Single/ValueParamTest" />
@ -149,7 +179,11 @@ EXPECTED_SHARDED_TEST_XML = """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testcase name="Succeeds" status="run" time="*" classname="SuccessfulTest"/>
<testsuite name="NoFixtureTest" tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*">
<testcase name="RecordProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest" key="1"/>
<testcase name="RecordProperty" status="run" time="*" classname="NoFixtureTest">
<property name="key" value="1"/>
<testsuite name="Single/ValueParamTest" tests="1" failures="0" disabled="0" errors="0" time="*">
<testcase name="AnotherTestThatHasValueParamAttribute/1" value_param="42" status="run" time="*" classname="Single/ValueParamTest" />
@ -101,19 +101,22 @@ class GTestXMLTestCase(gtest_test_utils.TestCase):
self.AssertEquivalentNodes(child, actual_children[child_id])
identifying_attribute = {
'testsuites': 'name',
'testsuite': 'name',
'testcase': 'name',
'failure': 'message',
'testsuites': 'name',
'testsuite': 'name',
'testcase': 'name',
'failure': 'message',
'property': 'name',
def _GetChildren(self, element):
Fetches all of the child nodes of element, a DOM Element object.
Returns them as the values of a dictionary keyed by the IDs of the
children. For <testsuites>, <testsuite> and <testcase> elements, the ID
is the value of their "name" attribute; for <failure> elements, it is
the value of the "message" attribute; CDATA sections and non-whitespace
children. For <testsuites>, <testsuite>, <testcase>, and <property>
elements, the ID is the value of their "name" attribute; for <failure>
elements, it is the value of the "message" attribute; for <properties>
elements, it is the value of their parent's "name" attribute plus the
literal string "properties"; CDATA sections and non-whitespace
text nodes are concatenated into a single CDATA section with ID
"detail". An exception is raised if any element other than the above
four is encountered, if two child elements with the same identifying
@ -123,11 +126,17 @@ class GTestXMLTestCase(gtest_test_utils.TestCase):
children = {}
for child in element.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
self.assert_(child.tagName in self.identifying_attribute,
'Encountered unknown element <%s>' % child.tagName)
childID = child.getAttribute(self.identifying_attribute[child.tagName])
self.assert_(childID not in children)
children[childID] = child
if child.tagName == 'properties':
self.assert_(child.parentNode is not None,
'Encountered <properties> element without a parent')
child_id = child.parentNode.getAttribute('name') + '-properties'
self.assert_(child.tagName in self.identifying_attribute,
'Encountered unknown element <%s>' % child.tagName)
child_id = child.getAttribute(
self.assert_(child_id not in children)
children[child_id] = child
elif child.nodeType in [Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE]:
if 'detail' not in children:
if (child.nodeType == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE or
Reference in New Issue
Block a user