Go to file
2016-08-12 16:26:06 -07:00
.travis.yml first commit 2016-08-11 07:50:34 -07:00
gjson_test.go exists function 2016-08-12 08:39:08 -07:00
gjson.go fixed exists check 2016-08-12 08:51:56 -07:00
LICENSE first commit 2016-08-11 07:50:34 -07:00
logo.png first commit 2016-08-11 07:50:34 -07:00
README.md explain Exists() function 2016-08-12 16:26:06 -07:00

Build Status GoDoc

get a json value quickly

GJSON is a Go package the provides a very fast and simple way to get a value from a json document. The reason for this library it to give efficient json indexing for the BuntDB project.

Getting Started


To start using GJSON, install Go and run go get:

$ go get -u github.com/tidwall/gjson

This will retrieve the library.

Get a value

Get searches json for the specified path. A path is in dot syntax, such as "name.last" or "age". This function expects that the json is well-formed and validates. Invalid json will not panic, but it may return back unexpected results. When the value is found it's returned immediately.

package main

import "github.com/tidwall/gjson"

const json = `{"name":{"first":"Janet","last":"Prichard"},"age":47}`

func main() {
	value := gjson.Get(json, "name.last")

This will print:


A path is a series of keys separated by a dot. A key may contain special wildcard characters '*' and '?'. To access an array value use the index as the key. To get the number of elements in an array use the '#' character. The dot and wildcard characters can be escaped with ''.

  "name": {"first": "Tom", "last": "Anderson"},
  "children": ["Sara","Alex","Jack"],
  "fav.movie": "Deer Hunter"
"name.last"          >> "Anderson"
"age"                >> 37
"children.#"         >> 3
"children.1"         >> "Alex"
"child*.2"           >> "Jack"
"c?ildren.0"         >> "Sara"
"fav\.movie"         >> "Deer Hunter"

Result Type

GJSON supports the json types string, number, bool, and null. Arrays and Objects are returned as their raw json types.

The Result type holds one of these:

bool, for JSON booleans
float64, for JSON numbers
string, for JSON string literals
nil, for JSON null

To get the Go value call the Value() method:

result.Value()  // interface{} which may be nil, string, float64, or bool

// Or just get the value in one step.
gjson.Get(json, "name.last").Value()

To directly access the value:

result.Type    // can be String, Number, True, False, Null, or JSON
result.Str     // holds the string
result.Num     // holds the float64 number
result.Raw     // holds the raw json

Check for the existence of a value

Sometimes you may want to see if the value actually existed in the json document.

value := gjson.Get(json, "name.last")
if !value.Exists() {
	println("no last name")
} else {

// Or as one step
if gjson.Get(json, "name.last").Exists(){
	println("has a last name")


Benchmarks of GJSON alongside encoding/json, ffjson, EasyJSON, and jsonparser

BenchmarkGJSONGet-8             3000000    440 ns/op     0 B/op    0 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONUnmarshalMap-8      600000  10738 ns/op  3176 B/op   69 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONUnmarshalStruct-8   600000  11635 ns/op  1960 B/op   69 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONDecoder-8           300000  17193 ns/op  4864 B/op  184 allocs/op
BenchmarkFFJSONLexer-8          1500000   3773 ns/op  1024 B/op    8 allocs/op
BenchmarkEasyJSONLexer-8        3000000   1134 ns/op   741 B/op    6 allocs/op
BenchmarkJSONParserGet-8        3000000    596 ns/op    21 B/op    0 allocs/op

JSON document used:

  "widget": {
    "debug": "on",
    "window": {
      "title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
      "name": "main_window",
      "width": 500,
      "height": 500
    "image": { 
      "src": "Images/Sun.png",
      "hOffset": 250,
      "vOffset": 250,
      "alignment": "center"
    "text": {
      "data": "Click Here",
      "size": 36,
      "style": "bold",
      "vOffset": 100,
      "alignment": "center",
      "onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"

Each operation was rotated though one of the following search paths:


These are the results from running the benchmarks on a MacBook Pro 15" 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7:


Josh Baker @tidwall


GJSON source code is available under the MIT License.