
382 lines
11 KiB

package tried
import (
func CompareSliceWithSorted(source, words []string) (bool, string) {
sort.Slice(words, func(i, j int) bool {
if words[i] < words[j] {
return true
return false
// source := tried.WordsArray()
sort.Slice(source, func(i, j int) bool {
if source[i] < source[j] {
return true
return false
result1 := spew.Sprint(source)
result2 := spew.Sprint(words)
if result1 != result2 {
return false, spew.Sprint(result1, " != ", result2)
return true, ""
func TestTried_Has(t *testing.T) {
var tried *Tried
tried = NewWithWordType(WordIndexLower)
if !tried.Has("ads") {
t.Error("ads is exist, but not has")
if !tried.HasPrefix("ad") {
t.Error("ads is exist, but not HasPrefix")
if !tried.HasPrefix("za") {
t.Error("ads is exist, but not HasPrefix")
if tried.HasPrefix("fsdf") {
t.Error("fsdf is not exist, but HasPrefix")
if len(tried.String()) < 10 {
func TestTried_PrefixWords(t *testing.T) {
var tried *Tried
var wordsCollection []string
var input []string
var wordsList [][]string
var inputParams [][]string
var triedList []*Tried
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexLower))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"ad", "adf"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"ad", "adfsxzcdas", "adfadsasd"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpper))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"AD", "ADF"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"AD", "ADFSXZCDAS", "ADFADSASD"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperLower))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"aD", "aDf"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"aDF", "aDfsxzcdas", "aDfadsasd"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperDigital))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"A09D", "A09DF"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"A09D", "A09DFSXZCD312AS", "A09DFA32DSASD"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexLowerDigital))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"a09d", "a09df"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"a09d", "a09dfsxzcd312as", "a09dfa32dsasd"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperLowerDigital))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"A09d", "A09dZ"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"A09d", "A09dZsxzcd312as", "A09dZa32dsasd"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndex256))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{"阿萨德", "阿萨德!"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"阿萨德", "阿萨德!@$*#))(#*", "阿萨德!╜╝╞╟╠╡╢╣╤╥╦╧╨╩╪╫╬╭╮╯╰╱╲╳▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ▉ ▊▋▌▍▎▏"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndex32to126))
inputParams = append(inputParams, []string{" `", " `<"})
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{" `21`3tcdbxcfhyop8901zc[]\\'/?()#$%^&**! ", " `<AZaz09~ dys!@#$)(*^$#", " `<>.,?/"})
for i := 0; i < len(triedList); i++ {
tried = triedList[i]
input = inputParams[i]
wordsCollection = wordsList[i]
for _, words := range wordsCollection {
var prefixWords []string
prefixWords = tried.PrefixWords(input[0])
if ok, errorResult := CompareSliceWithSorted(prefixWords, wordsCollection); !ok {
prefixWords = tried.PrefixWords(input[1])
if ok, _ := CompareSliceWithSorted(prefixWords, wordsCollection); ok {
t.Error("should be not ok")
if len(prefixWords) != 2 {
t.Error(prefixWords, " Size of Array should be 2")
if ok, errorResult := CompareSliceWithSorted(prefixWords, wordsCollection[1:]); !ok {
// t.Error(tried.WordsArray())
func TestTried_NewWith(t *testing.T) {
var tried *Tried
var wordsCollection []string
var wordsList [][]string
var triedList []*Tried
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexLower))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"adazx", "assdfhgnvb", "ewqyiouyasdfmzvxz"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpper))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"ADFSZ", "DEFASEWRQWER", "GFHJERQWREWTNBVFGFH"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperLower))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"adazxAZDSAFASZRETHGFTUIPK", "assdfhgDSFGnvb", "yaXZLMPOIQsdGHFfmFBzvxz"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"AZ3428934470193", "ZPQPDEK09876543629812", "AZEWIRU0192456FDEWR9032"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexLowerDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"az3428934470193", "zpqwe0987654362sf9812", "az21301az09azdstr540"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperLowerDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"azAZ09", "aRGFDSFDSzAasdZ06789", "A28374JHFudfsu09qwzzdsw874FDSAZfer"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndex256))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"21`3tcdbxcfhyop8901zc[]\\'/?()#$%^&**! 09-阿萨德发生的官方说的对符合规定", "符号!@$*#))(#*", "╜╝╞╟╠╡╢╣╤╥╦╧╨╩╪╫╬╭╮╯╰╱╲╳▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█ ▉ ▊▋▌▍▎▏"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndex32to126))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{" 21`3tcdbxcfhyop8901zc[]\\'/?()#$%^&**! ", "AZaz09~ dys!@#$)(*^$#", "<>.,?/"})
for i := 0; i < len(triedList); i++ {
tried = triedList[i]
wordsCollection = wordsList[i]
for _, words := range wordsCollection {
if tried.Get(words) == nil {
t.Error("should be not nil the type is ", tried.wiStore.Type)
// t.Error(tried.WordsArray())
func TestTried_String(t *testing.T) {
var tried *Tried
var wordsCollection []string
var wordsList [][]string
var triedList []*Tried
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexLower))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"adazx", "assdfhgnvb", "ewqyiouyasdfmzvxz"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpper))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"ADFSZ", "DEFASEWRQWER", "GFHJERQWREWTNBVFGFH"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"093875239457", "09123406534", "0912340846"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperLower))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"adazxAZDSAFASZRETHGFTUIPK", "assdfhgDSFGnvb", "yaXZLMPOIQsdGHFfmFBzvxz"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"AZ3428934470193", "ZPQPDEK09876543629812", "AZEWIRU0192456FDEWR9032"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexLowerDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"az3428934470193", "zpqwe0987654362sf9812", "az21301az09azdstr540"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndexUpperLowerDigital))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"azAZ09", "aRGFDSFDSzAasdZ06789", "A28374JHFudfsu09qwzzdsw874FDSAZfer"})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndex256))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{"21`3tcdbxcf囉hyop打算8901zc[]\\'/?()#$%^&**!\x01 09-213", "的支持中文", "!@$*#)中文)(#*", `\/213dsfsdf`})
triedList = append(triedList, NewWithWordType(WordIndex32to126))
wordsList = append(wordsList, []string{" 21`3tcdbxcfhyop8901zc[]\\'/?()#$%^&**! ", "AZaz09~ dys!@#$)(*^$#", "<>.,?/"})
for i := 0; i < len(triedList); i++ {
tried = triedList[i]
wordsCollection = wordsList[i]
for _, words := range wordsCollection {
if tried.Get(words) == nil {
t.Error("should be not nil the type is ", tried.wiStore.Type)
resultArray := tried.WordsArray()
if ok, errorResult := CompareSliceWithSorted(resultArray, wordsCollection); !ok {
// t.Error(tried.WordsArray())
func TestTried_PutAndGet1(t *testing.T) {
tried := New()
tried.Put(("hehe"), "hehe")
tried.Put(("xixi"), 3)
var result interface{}
result = tried.Get("asdf")
if result != tried {
t.Error("result should be 3")
result = tried.Get("xixi")
if result != 3 {
t.Error("result should be 3")
result = tried.Get("hehe")
if result != "hehe" {
t.Error("result should be hehe")
result = tried.Get("haha")
if result != nil {
t.Error("result should be nil")
result = tried.Get("b")
if result != nil {
t.Error("result should be nil")
func TestTried_Traversal(t *testing.T) {
tried := New()
tried.Put(("abdf"), "ab")
tried.Put(("hehe"), "hehe")
tried.Put(("xixi"), 3)
var result []interface{}
tried.Traversal(func(idx uint, v interface{}) bool {
// t.Error(idx, v)
result = append(result, v)
return true
if result[0] != "ab" {
if result[1] != tried {
if result[2] != "hehe" {
if result[3] != 3 {
func TesStoreData(t *testing.T) {
var l []string
const N = 1000000
for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
var content []rune
for c := 0; c < randomdata.Number(5, 15); c++ {
char := randomdata.Number(0, 26) + 'a'
content = append(content, rune(byte(char)))
l = append(l, (string(content)))
var result bytes.Buffer
encoder := gob.NewEncoder(&result)
lbytes := result.Bytes()
f, _ := os.OpenFile("tried.log", os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC|os.O_WRONLY, 0666)
func Load() []string {
var result []string
f, _ := os.Open("tried.log")
return result
func BenchmarkTried_Put(b *testing.B) {
var data []string
b.N = 1000000
count := 10
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// var content []rune
// for c := 0; c < randomdata.Number(5, 15); c++ {
// char := randomdata.Number(0, 26) + 'a'
// content = append(content, rune(byte(char)))
// }
// data = append(data, (string(content)))
// }
data = Load()
b.N = b.N * count
for c := 0; c < count; c++ {
tried := New()
for _, v := range data {
func BenchmarkTried_Get(b *testing.B) {
var data []string
b.N = 1000000
count := 10
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// var content []rune
// for c := 0; c < randomdata.Number(5, 15); c++ {
// char := randomdata.Number(0, 26) + 'a'
// content = append(content, rune(byte(char)))
// }
// data = append(data, string(content))
// }
data = Load()
b.N = b.N * count
tried := New()
for _, v := range data {
for c := 0; c < count; c++ {
for _, v := range data {